The classic tacky tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 2, 2010
The classic tacky tank *UPDATED WITH PICS*

For my sons (2 years old) first tank and to talk my wife into it I agreed to set up the classic tacky tank for them (diver, treasure chest, pirate ship, neon plants, the works). I generally lean towards the more natural look so
I need some inspiration for my compromise.

Does anyone have such a tank that they can post some pictures of?
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Welcome to AA!

I think a tacky enough tank could be a fun one! Especially for the 2 year old! :)
welcome to AA!!!

i also, have always strayed towards the more natural look... but always admired those who kept tanks with neon plants and multi-color gravel...
I think the "tacky" tank is making a big come back. Sunken pirate ships, diver etc. I've been seeing a lot of them. I think they're actually pretty great...retro and all that. The sunken submarine is a personal favorite.
I think the "tacky" tank is making a big come back. Sunken pirate ships, diver etc. I've been seeing a lot of them. I think they're actually pretty great...retro and all that. The sunken submarine is a personal favorite.

Isn't that an oxymoron? lol

As an Ex-submariner, I don't think I'd be a fan.
Maybe you could compromise and do a natural looking tank but stick one of those bubbling treasure chest with a diver right in the middle.
here is our 10 gallon we had set up for our 2 y/o daughter. this was before we found this site. we shortly after added 2 rosy barbs who passed away, which is when i found this site, tore the tank down, restarted with a 20 gal, decided on a planted tank and a fishless cycle. i did really love this tank though, clown puke and all. it was hard to look at after Rosy and Barber passed, though. so now it's going to be a QT tank (prob with blue gravel instead of pink/purple). sorry the pic isn't great. we had just set it up so there were still bubbles all over everything.
Here it is... I think I am going to change out the plants behind the pirate ship for something a little taller so there are different height plants.

What do you think?




ahhh... I see I still need a mod to approve posts with pics... tripple post now... sorry
Don't forget the shark wearing shades and holding a sign that says "No fishing." XD
My first tank (the wifey picked the decor) aka Hippie's Nightmare:

I eventually got to make it more natural and swapped the gravel for sand and all real plants. I really got to take a updated picture, I don't think I have any from the past 6 months.

I see the walmart 'barrels' are a popular decor item :)
The Spongebob ones are definitely tacky. I know that at my Petsmart we also have Dora the Explorer. I shudder making this suggestion! XD
there was a post somewhere possible the craigslist hilarity one where the tank was built into like castles and stuff. then you can combine tacky tank and tacky stand. :)
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