The EBJD experiment....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2011
Baton Rouge LA
I always heard that having cichlids like the EBJB in a community tank was a bad idea and to even think of putting one into a community tank was crazy! Well, I've had my EBJD for about 4 months and he's about 5 inches in length and was quickly outgrowing the 37 gallon tank I had him in. I decided to try him in one of my 125 community tank. It's been about 2 weeks and ZERO fish have disappeared! I couldn't believe it. Thought y'all would find this interesting.
10 neon tetra's, 20 black skirt tetra's 4 blue rams, 2 angels, 2 bala sharks, 2 clown loaches, 6 corydora's, BGK, and 1 DG. Yeah, it's really not and I planned on waiting a little longer before posting about it, but I just couldn't believe how easy going he is with my other fish.
My prediction is that once he gets good and settled in you will start having some missing fish, but I really do hope it works out better than that. How big is the BGK? I've heard that they are hard on small schoolers when they get big but mine is only 4 or 5" at the moment.

Looking forward to updates either way.
Mine's 7 inches and he leaves them alone. A little chasing but thats about it and it's only when foods around.
I have to agree my EBJD is doing great in my 75 gallon community African tank !!!!! I guess the majority it could be bad but some it could work out !!
this is interesting to me because I've really been wanting to get one and it would have to live in my 150 g Malawi tank for a while. Following. Lol
Idk I got it real young mine had it in a net cage inside te big tank for about a month let it loose n it show some territorial display but never got bad at all with te other fish !! He's been in there for months now
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