The funnist/cutest things your pets do [fish and animals]

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 6, 2004
Montana, USA
I would have to say, the cutest thing I have ever seen one of my animals ever do was today.

myself, trying to read a book
mama cat, Phantom, tired of kitten sitting
papa cat, Sky, motherly instincts

Okay, earlier today, while I was reading a book [home-study] I happened to hear this noise. Looking up, I saw one of my two adult cats, Phantom [black female stray] wandering towards me from her box. [the box is where she has been tending to her kittens, four buddles of meowing, hungry fur]

Anyways, Phantom has always been a friendly cat, once she learned to trust people again [she was seriously abused when she was younger, her tail was badly broken and a leg as well]. While I was reading, she moves up, lies down, yawns, and falls completely asleep. :sleeping:

The box is within eyesight, and as I continued to read my book, I happened to catch sight of papa cat, Sky cause he never walks quietly. Phantom has been very protective of her babies, and always beat the c*** out of Sky if he got too close, so this was his first chance to see them.

So he investigates, sniffing them and nuzzling them [who says father cats have no maternal instincts]. Anyways, since Phantom was asleep and since they used to share the box [which is quite large] Sky kind of looked at me like "she does it, why can I?"

Before I could stop the silly cat, he was in the box, stretched out. Never once hurt one kitten. Since he wasn't doing anything nasty, I decided to leave him and it wasn't long before kittens, and papa were asleep.
I have five cats, ranging from 2-5 years old. It continues to amaze me how locked into a routine animals can get - I guess just like their people. My cats can tell time. One of them, Ana, gets daily medication, and to make the pill go down easier, that's when the cats have treat time. Treat time happens no later than 6 p.m. around here, and if you don't believe it, just ask Ana. About 5, she begins looking for me and meowing insistently. By 6, she'll run between my legs to trip me, and then yell for treats.

Same way with weekend mornings. . . five days a week, we get up about 5:15 a.m. around here, and the cats see no need to change that on the weekend. If I'm not up by seven, two or three of them will lie down in front of my bedroom door, and start calling me. If a few minutes of that doesn't do it, they go get Emma, who is probably reclined in some upholstered piece of furniture. She then comes to the door and calls me, and if I don't answer, Emma starts to bodyslam the door. I know it's Emma. I've opened the door before and caught her in mid-leap. She has landed (on her feet) unceremoniously in front of me a couple of times.
I guess you can say I caught my cat how to dance, yeah that's right DANCE! It's name is Kitty. When she gets real exciting she sorta paws at the air. We stuck her on the kitchen counter one day cause she was doing this funny dancing looking stuff. We started saying stupid stuff like "yeah, dance kitty!" and now, everytime you put her on the counter and say dance kitty and pet her, she'll do it. She just claws at the counter but it is slippery, so it slides across, and kinda looks funny.

Also, when we wanna get my dogs to go outside, all I gotta do is walk out onto the deck, look up into the trees and say, "I see a squirrell, go get it!" and out the door they go, barking up a storm =)

My turtles think that everything that enters the threshold of their tank is food, including my hand. So it is kinda fun to stick my finger above their mouths, and they chomp down on it until I pull them outta the water. I'm trying to teach them that they can't eat me, but no luck so far :roll:

I could go on and on, but I'll stop for now 8)
While I'm watching TV or working on the computer, my mice like to run up my arm and hang out inside my collar.
Occasionally, one will stick her snout in my ear and start squeaking loudly! 8O
I have a couple of thing when I have a party at my house and people are in the garage my dog taz he will jump the wall a 6ft at that with nothing in front to boost him and you just cant put him back in the back yard he will just jump it again…he also likes to sleep under blankets and while I am at work he will take my comforter off my bed and drag it to his couch to sleep under it he is such a dork :eyes: ..this one is with my fish I have a bichir eel and a Chinese sucker fish in the same tank when the bichir eel comes near the sucker fish he chases him and tries to suck on his back and wont stop till the eel swims away but he won’t do that to any other fish? :roll:
My male Pit Bull likes to climb trees and just sit on a branch and watch everything underneath him...
thats funny because my dog is a pit bull boxer mix and he can climb trees and he can hang from a branch by his mouth for a long time :D
My dog dudley steals things and hides them. Bein a basset hound, his mouth is large, and you cannot easily tell if he has something small in there. Just yesterday he stole this little travel alarm clock i use for a household timer (laundry, cooking, etc.) when I wasn't paying attention. Searched high and low for it, nothing doing. Today, I watched him out in the yard, checking all his hiding spots to make sure his "treasures" are all accounted for. Sure enough, he pulls my clock out from under a bush! A few chew marks, and it rained some last night but the clock still works. Sneaky son of a b**ch! ( I can call him that cuz it's true!)
My cat fetches. He has rules tho; the toy MUST go thru a doorway or you will be walking over, picking it up and throwing it again. Once it leaves the room competely, it must be smacked into the kitchen where it is disemboweled as all vicious things must be (such as my knee, hubby's elbow and our feet; I haven't the heart to tell him we don't keep our bowels there). And the only thing he'll fetch is his fuzzy piggy toy. You can throw the fuzzy hedgehog all you want; he's not bringing it back.
my parents have a 28 lb cat (no joke) that likes to roll around with our 11 lb weiner dog. maybe you have to see this one to really understand.
My hubbies bird is the real character around here. The dog is in her years adn the cat is pretty normal other than being fat (except when she had that plakat hanging off her nose).
Our bird come upstairs on cold night and sleeps with one of us. She loves pizza and starts parrot screaming "Pizzaman! Pizzaman ! when the doorbell rings."
she jumps into the bath with anyone there if she can mangae to get the door open.
She really likes going on short trips and chasing the cat. The cat is highly unappreciated of all this. All my real characters are long gone. The new generation seems to be dedveloping amongst the fish.
<<My male Pit Bull likes to climb trees and just sit on a branch and watch everything underneath him... >>

<<thats funny because my dog is a pit bull boxer mix and he can climb trees and he can hang from a branch by his mouth for a long time>>

How do they get down? !

Man these stories all are pretty funny. I wish I had some furry friends!
most of the time if he is hanging from a branch with mouth he just lest go and if he gets into the tree he jumps down he is pretty good at jumping and landing on his feet he can jump a 6 ft wall like its nothing...and my other dog "memory" she wont sleep anywhere else but the bath tub i dont get it but hey i sure do Love them!! :mrgreen:
I bought a bannana shaped squeaky dog toy several years ago for my chihuhua, She never wanted anything to do with it.

Well, since I've gotten my Cat [ Yes, his name is Cat. I'm SO Original:roll:] he loves to play with it.

He'll sink his gnarly little fangs into the things bulging eyes, and just do cartwheels. Head over tail cartwheels, None stop.

When he gets done with his acrobatic act, he starts to, well.. It looks kinda like he is humping it. 8O :oops: , only in reverse [ He lays on his back while doing this ] :?

That, and the stupid cat likes to sit in the darkest places of the house at night, an attack anyone who walks by, by leaping out at you and wrapping his claws around your thigh with a " reowl! " :lol:
I have a 16 week old kitten. He'll fall asleep on my girlfriends belly (she's 35 weeks pregnant). The baby inevitably gives a kick to the kitten who complains with a piteous yowl. This brings forth another kick. Which in turn causes the kitten to paw and meow at my girlfriend's stomach. This makes the baby kick even more and after another kick or two, the kitten gives my girlfriend a vindictive look and runs off. It's like he thinks she's trying to force him off her belly...
I got a Male Betta that sleeps on his side. On top of the water. looks liek he is dead. I have gone to the tank more than once to take him out to flush and he just sits up looks at me and swims to the bottom of the tank. 8O
My cat fetches.
My mother's cat fetches, but he will only play with the plastic lizard (which is now beheaded). He does not like to bring back the fuzzy toys; although, he will carry them around.

As for my three lumps--Spice (15), Josie (3) and Squirrel (2), they are most adorable when sleeping. Because when they are not sleeping, they are getting into trouble. This morning my fiancé was taking a water sample into the lab (to use the pH tester :roll: ) and Squirrel knocked EVERYTHING off the stereo so she could jump up on the 80 gal to watch him. She has got to be the most UNgraceful cat I have ever seen! Of course, we gotta love her--at night, she lies over the light on the 80 gal sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she watches the cichlids--I really need to get a pic.
Pets of the past.. As a teen I used to have a husky mix that taught herself to meow because I always fed the meowing cats first. She became so well rewarded in the neighborhood that she stopped barking entirely and did only cat sounds and that husky-speak (husky owners know what I mean). Made it rough when my stepdad came home early from overseas. He never heard her coming...^_^

I also had at the time a cat with a tail so long it drug the floor but could jump to the height of a doorjam and a green eye pit that had been dumped at the garbage for mange and been run over by the compactor tractor. His name was Doug (DubbleUgly). A pit lover bought him off me after his coat returned.
Later I had a lot of odd balls but I was practiing to train animals for commercials as i had learned from my sister's husband.. so they were not "naturally" strange.
I ve had many different species of pets including a coyote and a roadrunner (what an ugly bird), wolves, owls, name it. My mom had a tiger and a lion.
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