The loach's 29 gallon tank journal

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Also will freeze dried work or do they have to actually be frozen?

i don't know about freeze dry food, but i assume there wouldn't be a problem

Ok so put them in tank weather, thaw them out got it thanks do I just drop them in the tank and he will find them, or spot feed or what?
Thanks for the info
Also, if I add some RCS, do you think that either the gudgeon or the catfish will eat them?
it's good if you drop the food where the gudgeon is going to be. they're not great of a scavenger if you ask me.

gudgeons will eat small shrimps, so will catfish. so use your best judgement.
huizheng1988 is right. I'm not sure about gudgeons, but my experience is that catfish get pretty lazy, mine expect their food to be dropped in front of their faces, they don't bother eating if it's not right in front of them. terrible scavengers haha!
i don't know about freeze dry food, but i assume there wouldn't be a problem

it's good if you drop the food where the gudgeon is going to be. they're not great of a scavenger if you ask me.

gudgeons will eat small shrimps, so will catfish. so use your best judgement.

Ok so I'll give freeze dried food a shot
I'll put the food at the surface so it falls near him
I guess I won't risk it with the shrimp
Thank you:)
huizheng1988 is right. I'm not sure about gudgeons, but my experience is that catfish get pretty lazy, mine expect their food to be dropped in front of their faces, they don't bother eating if it's not right in front of them. terrible scavengers haha!

Hah ok hope mine doesn't do that, but I'll still try to put it close to him lol thanks
Ok guys update!

My tank is really getting along, the plants have really grown!
I still need to remove the gravel and put in the flora max, root tabs and buy liquid ferts, so all in all, that is going to be around 60 bucks, so I'll be holding off the fish for a while
I want to purchase the anacharis for the walls and one or two Marimo moss balls, I have also been pretty interested in a banana plant, can anybody please tell me how they go about?
My balloon Molly is still here, he is quite a pig! He hogs up all the food! My five red eye tetras are doing good too. my four kuhlis are doing excellent, they are very accustomed as I come, they follow me thinking its food time lol. I have two neons of the seven I bought, it's all due to the neon tetra disease, so I'll just stick with the two I have. My peppered Cory is there, it's two friends died, so I only have one, will be getting him a friend though. my oto cat has done very well with the algae he is on the back beside the big amazon sword
Ok guys update!

My tank is really getting along, the plants have really grown!
I still need to remove the gravel and put in the flora max, root tabs and buy liquid ferts, so all in all, that is going to be around 60 bucks, so I'll be holding off the fish for a while
I want to purchase the anacharis for the walls and one or two Marimo moss balls, I have also been pretty interested in a banana plant, can anybody please tell me how they go about?
My balloon Molly is still here, he is quite a pig! He hogs up all the food! My five red eye tetras are doing good too. my four kuhlis are doing excellent, they are very accustomed as I come, they follow me thinking its food time lol. I have two neons of the seven I bought, it's all due to the neon tetra disease, so I'll just stick with the two I have. My peppered Cory is there, it's two friends died, so I only have one, will be getting him a friend though. my oto cat has done very well with the algae he is on the back beside the big amazon sword

good to hear but here's a recommendation: do the substrate change ASAP. when you're ripping apart your tank to substitute in the new substrate, you're shocking the plants and their root systems. you wouldn't want the plants to settle down and THEN do a substrate change.

banana plant is low maintenance plant. it would benefit from root tabs as well but it's not required. it will shot stems/lily pads toward the surface.

mollys are indeed pig, which is why you don't see them often in highly scaped fish aquarium.
My plants:

My amazon sword is huge! It has grown so much!! My Anubias nana now has three new leaves as you can see in the picture, also my java fern has gotten three new leaves
My two small swords haven't shown that much growth
So I don't really know much about the banana plant
Current stock:
1 balloon belly Molly
4 black kuhli loaches
1 peppered Cory
5 red eye tetras
2 neon tetras
1 oto cat
3 amazon swords
1 java fern
1 Anubias nana
1 mystery plant
Also, my mystery plant has a lot of new leafs too, still don't know what it is though
Still need:
1 peppered Cory
1 peacock gudgeon
1 rio negro pleco
1 royal farlowella catfish
Maybe one gold rabbit snail
Also maybe a bn pleco or two more Otos
2 Marimo moss balls
A lot of anacharis
A banana plant
good to hear but here's a recommendation: do the substrate change ASAP. when you're ripping apart your tank to substitute in the new substrate, you're shocking the plants and their root systems. you wouldn't want the plants to settle down and THEN do a substrate change.

banana plant is low maintenance plant. it would benefit from root tabs as well but it's not required. it will shot stems/lily pads toward the surface.

mollys are indeed pig, which is why you don't see them often in highly scaped fish aquarium.

I hear you about the substrate I'm Planning some two weeks at the most of wait time
Happy to hear about the banana plant I will defenetely add it
I don't think I'll add any more mollies to my tanks
Some pics



are the baby swords still attached to the mother plant? if so, it's no wonder that they're not growing. remember the whole thing about how amazon swords are root feeders and do well with root tabs?
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