The right track ...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 12, 2014
Hi, just want confirmation that I am on the right track with my plans. I have a 45L (12G) tank which (after some fish dying) has now been running successfully (even had some new fry/snails born). However the tank is getting too small for the fish (they keep on getting bigger). My plan is to purchase a 250L (66G) tank and transfer some of the stock (particularly the African giant shrimp, 3 x Plecos, pair of Gourami, pair of Rainbow Cichlids, and a female Betta) leaving just some shrimp and my Guppys in the 45L. I was looking at using some water, some gravel and the filter media from the 45L (replacing some of the gravel and the media into the 45L). Am I on the right track? If so how soon should I be relastically be able to use the new tank? Can I "scoop" up the fish and transfer into the new tank or do I need to do something beforehand?

Thanks for any help.
Well if you're just transferring directly, it wouldn't be a good idea. As you should cycle the tank. However if you're going to use the filter media and substrates from the old tank is a great idea. As this will speed up the cycling process a lot.

Just make sure you do your standard tests and you should be fine.
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