The test results are in

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2004
Okay, just a refresher, I had that school of neons die overnight. I took the water to the lfs, they said the nitrates were a little high, not enough to kill them though. I ordered a Master Freshwater Test Kit, and recieved it about 20 minutes ago. Here are the water results so far:

Nitrites: 0 ppm

Ammonia: >.25 ppm (It's between the .25 and 0 colors)

Nitrates: The color chart doesn't go that high...this is a burgendy color now. my mom, who doesn't know anything about fish, looked at the chart, looked at the water, and said "Looks like you need to do a water change, and hustle!"

pH: 7

Does this help any? *Hustles off to do a water change that is 3 weeks overdue!!*
Well - if you have a burgundy color on the nitrate scale then you are definitely way up there, and a water change is in order, maybe a 20-30% immediate change, then 10% daily until you can get this down to 40 or so, maybe higher would be okay. The ammonia is of mild concern, and might be more of a culprit. Keep a watch on that and don't add anymore fish until things are stable.

Glad you got that test kit!
A big water change now and a lesson learned.
Weekly 10 to 15 percent changes from now on. Vacuum a third to half the gravel during each change.
lfs may have people that don't keep fish at home. So no clue how important the water tests are. Glad you have a test kit now.
Just in case do a nitrate test on the tap water. Should come out 0 or very low but if there is a problem at the water treatment plant it could be high.
chasgood said:
Just in case do a nitrate test on the tap water. Should come out 0 or very low but if there is a problem at the water treatment plant it could be high.

I did, and the nitrates were zero. However, as my mom mentioned, I haven't added any water since the Tetra Genocide, and that was about 5 weeks ago. (I ran out of water conditioner) However, after the immediate water change, I let it sit while I was at work, and just tested it again, it's around 60-80 ppm.

I did a 50% change today, and tomorrow I'm doing about a 10%, then Sunday, a 25% , etc until I can get it down to where I need it to be.

Thanks everyone!!
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