The Worm Connection

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 26, 2004
Westchester County, NY
Sorry I haven't got a photo, but what would small light brown "worms" be that are attached on one end to the glass, substrate, etc. in a freshwater tank? The eyes aren't apparent and they look like little leeches. Thanks for the help.
The worms are probably planaria. In general they won't harm your fish, some fish will eat them. But they are a sign that the tank is being over fed and undercleaned. You need to have alot of excess nutrients lying around in order for these to thrive. So I would start doing more gravel vacs and go easier on the feeding.
If they are attached at one end, they may be hydra. If they are hydra, they will have small retractable tentacles. Hyddra are coelentrates, similar to coral polyps. They can catch and devour small fry. Some fish will eat them, particularly gouramis. I have also seen baby guppies clean up an infestation.
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