They Wont Stop Swiming!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 3, 2004
Peoria, IL
Hey gang,

I purchased my first two clowns on monday, and I noticed a quirky personality trait: They swim like crazy!!!!

even when they sleep, they hang out in a corner together and waggle around like crazy!

Is this normal??? I heard they are pretty hyper but, I don't want to wear them out.

My waterflow is good, but not excessive. I am pumping about 370-400 gallons an hour through a 37 gallon tank. they seem to fight the current, but they also seem to really like swiming in the current. They constantly approach my powerhead.

I guess I am use to fish being a bit calmer. even Barbs are calm compared to these guys!

LOL I love em! :lol:
I had always seen the same behaviour too, so I'd concluded it was normal and harmless.. but ever since my clownfish took to the anemone, it sleeps in there totally motionless. So now I'm not sure if the constant swimming could be a bad thing in the long term.
Agree with all of the other people in this post, but my pair stops dead when they sleep, all i see is the big one turn around a bit and breathing. lol. But once the light comes on they take a field trip to the other side of the tank.

Yup, they are pretty funny. Mine do the same thing. I worried at first about it too.
The thing I can't get over is how much food they will eat. THey will literally eat until it is impossible for them to eat anymore!!!

I gotta be careful!

even my Barbs never ate like that!
My percs do the same thing. They sleep in the return flow of the skimmer. And my saddle back looks like someone is bouncing him in an elastic string.
Mine swim around together all day. When it's time for bed, they seperate and take opposite corners on the top of the tank. I thought they were dying on the first day I got them. I checked out my tank in the middle of the night, and I found them both wiggling sideways in their corners. I panicked and turned the lights on, and they just started swimming like normal. I guess that's how they like to sleep. I hope they will host a BTA when I get one.
The first few days they slept together, now they are never together except the early mornings about 2 hours before lights on.
yeah, clowns are crazy. i have 2 tank bred percs, and the smaller one, used to swim like it was crazy. after a couple of months, he still swims that way, but at night, he decided to sleep inside the vegetable clip i put inside the tank. that, plus, everytime i clean the tank and siphon the substrate, he pecks at my hand incessantly.

be prepared for some weird but adorable stuff like this with your clowns, man
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