Thinking guppies...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2005
Kansas City, KS
Alright so I showed my mom the "fancy" guppies at walmart and she thinks their pretty. So I moved my Giant Danios to my 125 gallon... and after I did that all my fish are playing more in my 55 gallon..... They must have hated those hyper active bastards lol .... anyway I'm thinking of getting some guppies and possibly a redtail shark and those would be the only fish in with the 1 pleco, 2 neons that I might give away, and the eel. The dragonfish I'm not sure what I'm going to do... So what would be my ratio if i got 2 males... how many females would I need? I won't be keeping babies... I might breed them to feed to my cichlids I'm getting if anything...
You need at least 2 females per male, since the guys are like crazy about women and those will otherwise suffer and get stressed too much.
Not to jack your topic, but how does your eel do with the tetras? Just curious, I'm planning to get one when I get my 55. I have bigger tetras, though.. (bloodfins)
np I pretty much got the answer I was looking for anyway, thanks Tiffi! My eel does fine for now... hes only about 5 inches right now. I'm sure the peacock eel would do alright with your bloodfins, but when mine gets to about 8-9 inches it would probably eat my neons... I'm probably getting rid of them, and maybe I'll move my eel into my 125 when it gets full size... It will be a while though. I hear they don't grow very fast.
Guppies are very pretty but my only concern would be if the shark would attack the guppies when he gets bigger. Their tails could be a serious attraction for him.
That is true... I'm trying to talk my mom out of the shark if she thinks the guppies are that pretty than she should be able to live without the shark lol... I told her she could keep the peacock eel and one pleco if she wouldn't get a shark...
I love the colors of guppies, but be prepared for lots of fry. And it is true you have to keep 2 females at least per male, but some of the females out there have quite pretty tails too.
ya i had a rainbow shark (same as red tail bot all fins are red) and he was pretty agressive when he hit around the 4 inch mark. but only when he was eating. also in a 55 gallon he would have alot of room and might not be as bad to the guppies because he wouldnt run into them that often. he nevr actually bit there tails at all only chased them away. i would say that u should be fine with the shark. oh and i know that most people say 2 females to every male but i would suggest 3. my 2 got a little beat up and the males will choose favourites so certain ones will get picked on more. i have lost a few guppies to male agression. hth
Blah, the guppies breed way to much, i didnt want thtem but my uncle insisted for me to care of them when i had my fiddler crab tank. I had to remove the fiddlers because they were eating the guppies, so i had to remove them. Now i have a tank full of guppies..........sorta. Not full but it has a few that are pregnant again too.
Thanks for the eel info. I'm thinking mine will be fine in the setup I'm considering, but I always like to hear from people with personal experience.

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