Thinking of reworking some plants

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 8, 2005
Tampa, FL
Been a while since I posted to this particular forum :) Going out of town so much has kept me busy. The plants have been busy as well, especially my Rotala & Water Sprite. The Crypts I have have settled in well and are beautiful and full. The only one that isn't really doing it for me is the Anacharis (I really don't like the white roots its has sticking out all over the place now). I'm thinking of removing it since it's not really that attractive to me.

But that only leaves me with 3 species of plants. It does look nice with just those 3 but I could probably fit an additional plant or two to replace the Anacharis.

Any suggestions?
i would say to look at a more attractive stem plant that also likes low light. i am assuming by your plant selection that u are low light. maybe hygro polysperma? very easy stem plant that willl grow well in low light. i am sure there are alot of different options though. go to some plant sites and look under the low light options to see what is appealing to u. if u put more info about your tank the members would be able to help u better. size, do u dose ferts, CO2, light levels.... all those little things are a great help.
What tank are these going into? (Size, Lighting, etc)

Based on your current plants, I would recommend trying some additional variety of Crypts, Anubias, Java Fern. With more information about the tank, there are probably some other plants that we can recommend as well.
I've got a 2.0 wpg with CF lighting on a 55 g tank. I'm really looking to get some more background plants. Anything other than a plant that needs really high lighting I could take. Got CO2...and use some sorta fert ;)
You might want to consider some of the more readily available tall Cryptocoryne species for background. C. spiralis, C. retrospiralis, and C. balansae all do great in a tank with your specs and grow to a height just about perfect for a 55G. They don't require much maintenance (or really any :p ) and make a very nice background wall if you've got enough of them.
With that much light you could definately grow some of the Hygros and Ludwigias. I'd say it's time to start browsing PlantGeek's PlantGuide to see what you like. You should be able to grow most anything up through medium light.
Thanks for the advice...I'll take a look at PlantGeek and see what I might want to mix in. I actually really like the hygro, I'll have to see if the LFS has any. :)
what hygros are u interested in? i highly reccomend hygro polysperma and polysperma rosenervig/sunset. two very good stem plants that grow like crazy and can be simply cut and replanted anywhere to give it a very thivk look. i also like giant hygro(coryomboso i think is the technical name but i cant spell it) it grows very tall and has large leaves to fill in an area. almost a tree effect. a few stems planted side by side gives and awesome appearance.
Yeah, giant hygro was the one I was looking at. Though I haven't actually noticed that at the LFS I use.
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