Thought this would be interesting

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 14, 2004
Northern California
I thought it would be interesting to do a diary on a new tank set up. I am setting up a new 125 gal FW tank. I plan on starting the process of cycling on 2-20 after the initial set-up. As it sits at the moment the tank will be initially started with one Eheim 2028 and one Eheim 2227.

Aquascape blue background (installed) . Black sm to med size gravel 150 LBS.

Two Jebo (I know not the best) 24" Fixtures (installed)

One 24" strip of moonlight.

Assorted artificial and dried plants. Malaysian driftwood, been soaking for 1 month w/regular water changes in a very large bucket.

Will eventually transfer my current community out of my established 40 Gallon into the 125.

Let the games begin! Picts to follow


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sounds cool, sounds like your excited lol defintly want to see pics, what kind of fish are you going to be putting in it? I take it your going to do a fishless cycle?
This is a good idea I have a writen log on my aquarium Down to every last test and water change plus also all my side experiments. Currantly awaiting rain to test am continplating building water storage in basement as alternative to useing RO water. Good luck and enjoy. Oh and also keep or record your recipts with your log so if you need parts all you have to do is grab the book.
tropicfishman said:
sounds cool, sounds like your excited lol defintly want to see pics, what kind of fish are you going to be putting in it? I take it your going to do a fishless cycle?

Day 8, have added some aquascaping, and have had 2 raw prawns in a nylon along with some krill. Ordered a 42 " moon light to add somemore there, am going to test the water this weekend for the first time. I am seeing some activity bacteria wise on the nylons so that's good.

Will follow up on this weekend
Looking good so far! I started out keeping precise logs but after the 5th tank, just kept track of the parameters. The water changes I do as needed. Too much paper work with 10 tanks. 8O :king:
I can see that too

Zagz said:
Looking good so far! I started out keeping precise logs but after the 5th tank, just kept track of the parameters. The water changes I do as needed. Too much paper work with 10 tanks. 8O :king:

I definitely hate keeping logs. Once the tank is established they go bye bye :)
I just wrote a program to keep track, it will work for up to 999 tanks and keep a complete reviewable history of the water params. I don't like paper, it makes too much of a mess.
I downloaded an excel program that keeps track, it doesn't however keep individual tank records, but you can add a note to which tank it refers to. I am not a computer wizard and wouldn't know how to make one.
It's a program program (VB).. I haven't tested it on other machines, If you want to try it, send me a pm, not fair to hijack this thread.
Wizzard~Of~Ozz said:
It's a program program (VB).. I haven't tested it on other machines, If you want to try it, send me a pm, not fair to hijack this thread.

I do use a good program called Macquarium, although only for Apple OS, it is awesome.
tropicfishman said:
sounds cool, sounds like your excited lol defintly want to see pics, what kind of fish are you going to be putting in it? I take it your going to do a fishless cycle?

Update 3-5-06 Cycle was complete yesterday, did a partial chnage and placed a small community in from my previous tank 3 Balas and one cory. I will wait and gradually add the rest in slowly over the next two weeks. Here's the final result.


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