Thoughts about breeding Neos

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Long story short I have been keeping a group of shrimp - some back story here

They started as Fire Reds then were all eaten by Scarlet badis and some predatory nano fish. Then Reddish Brown I call Auburn. Then those passed and I found I had shrimp and they weren't all dead.

Then found just a couple and they were Brown black with a hint of blue (had lots of babies, didn't cull. the darkest male died and now there are mostly tan, bronze, red and Blue grey, a few blackish brown.

I wanted to try breeding back some darkish red with a hint of brown and with the Dark female and add in some Blue Velvets (their color came from bright red shrimp)

Anybody do any of this craziness?



I was wondering about taking these and seeing what comes about.
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Taking what? Autumn! Taking what?!

Hahaha I came in on the edit XD Is that a dream blue? Mine are darker...
No. They are Blue Velvet... Dreams seem to be darker.

LOL I have had so many problems getting pics to load so they can be seen I forgot the last part!
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I was going to do the Blue Diamond, but I haven't seen any around locally. That means order out of area which I am not ready for yet as I can't see a proven quality source.
I could let go of a couple of males if you'd like to meet up next weekend. I only have the thick plastic bags, but they'll be fine for the few hours. They're solidly deep blue, take a look at the 20L to 55g (actually... wish I could rename it to 40b) hahaha
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