Tiger barb compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey guys,

After horrible luck with black phantom tetras, I have decided to try another schooling fish in my 38g planted. I really want to try tiger barbs, but I am worried about my gouramis. Will this arrangement work?

I don't think the Tigers would well with the Gouramis. What type of fish do you currently have in your tank??
Personally I've never had trouble with tiger barbs bothering any other fish, but YMMV. They will pester each other so keeping them in a group is strongly recommended.
I don't think the Tigers would well with the Gouramis. What type of fish do you currently have in your tank??

The other occupants of this tank are BN pleco and a striped raphael catfish, neither of which make very many public appearances. =)
It's not a guarantee, but the larger the group of tigers you have the less likely they are to cause problems for other fish.
I have tiger barbs and yes they do better in groups of 5+. Or else they might start to pester your other fish. When in big groups they play with each other and chase each other around and dont bother anyone else. They only fish that you shouldnt have with tiger barbs are fish with long flowy fins that are slow, like angelfish. I have platys, sharks, plecos, tetras, and frogs and the tiger barbs dont really bother the other fish. They are just known as fin nippers and thats why its good to have them with fish that can swim fast. Good luck.
I currently have 7 Tiger Barbs in my 75 gallon with 3 Gouramis (2 Gold and 1 Opaline - all female). I've never once seen the Barbs go after the Gouramis. In fact, my Barbs stick to chasing each other around. Even when my Sailfin Pleco is out and about he (or she) is never bothered by the Barbs. As the others have said, as long as you get a decent sized school you'll probably be just fine.
I currently have 7 Tiger Barbs in my 75 gallon with 3 Gouramis (2 Gold and 1 Opaline - all female). I've never once seen the Barbs go after the Gouramis. In fact, my Barbs stick to chasing each other around. Even when my Sailfin Pleco is out and about he (or she) is never bothered by the Barbs. As the others have said, as long as you get a decent sized school you'll probably be just fine.

Ok, that's good news, I'll stick to 5+ and give it a shot. I can always move them to another tank if things don't go well.

Thanks all.
I have 6 Tiger Barbs in my tank, and I have 1 gourami, 1 rainbow shark, a raphael cat, and 4 cichlids. The barbs only chase eachother. As long as you have at least 6, you should be fine. Actually, in my tank, the barbs get chased by the other fish way more than the other way around. They are definitely at the bottom of the pecking order in my tank!
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