tiger barbs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 19, 2015
Opinions on Albino tiger barbs and regular Tiger barbs schooling together. Thanks! ?
They may or may not swim together. Same species, but different colors or patterns may or may not hang out together. I don't think anybody can guarantee that they will.

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I have 5 regular tiger barbs. I only keep them with some Otocinclus. They are probably my most "lively" and active fish besides my dojo loach. Very fun to watch. :) I have them in a 10g but they are supposed to be in a 30g (rehoming soon). Being so active they can be nippy with long fins so beware.


Might have a slight obsession with my fish
I've read that you should have a school of each if you have regular, green, or albino tiger barbs.

But more often than not people on here report that they school together regardless of the different types. I want to upgrade to a 75 gallon and turn my 55 into a species tank of just tiger barbs-like 30 of them.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I've read that you should have a school of each if you have regular, green, or albino tiger barbs.

But more often than not people on here report that they school together regardless of the different types. I want to upgrade to a 75 gallon and turn my 55 into a species tank of just tiger barbs-like 30 of them.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I would love to see that. My 5 dart around their tank and very active swimmers, seeing 30 doing that in a nice big tank would be amazing!


Might have a slight obsession with my fish
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