Tiger barbs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2003
We've had our aquarium for about 6 weeks now with some Platy and we introduced some Tiger Barbs one week ago and all seemed fine, until this morning when we noticed that one of the Barbs has a swollen eye and a white lump/spot on its back directly on top. We added the white spot treatment prior to adding the fish and have done two water changes due to two Plecys unfortunately dying.

If anyone could offer some advice we'ed be really greatful. all the other fish seem ok, but this one has just developed this since yesturday.

Also, do Barbs open and close their mouths a lot as normal, because they seem to be doing this all the time, like they are gasping.

Please help.

Many thanks.

Hi Jon:

Have you checked your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates? At six weeks your tank might not be cycled yet, and you might have high levels of Ammonia or Nitrites that make it hard for your fish to get oxygen. Tiger barbs are very active, and move everything, including their mouths, quickly - but they shouldn't look like they are gasping.

If there is a high level of ammonia or nitrites that could stress your fish and make them susceptible to disease (maybe killing the plecos too?), but I don't know much about diseases and can't help you there. If you check your water, and post how it is I'm sure someone on the board can help you out!
Thanks for your reply. We went to a local aquatic centre today and got some advice about it. We've been told it's Popeye and is an internal infection. We have been given an antibacterial treatment to give it which should take about 5 days.

Thanks for your help though.

*nods and agrees with Tigerlily*

Its especially important to keep an eye on those ammonia/nitrite levels, especially now that you are using antibacterials which will most likely wipe out your good bacterial colonies. Its quite possible high levels of those nitrogenous wastes are the root cause of the illness. If you are unfamilar with the nitrogen cycle, do take a peek here: http://faq.thekrib.com/begin-cycling.html
Just because a fish get's a swollen eye it dont mean popeye everytime. having a swollen eye and a white spot on it's back sounds to me as though it has been fighting and they are the results. The fact that what he has on his back has gone white could be due to infection, and the eye has swollen due to fighting. I also agree with Allivymar and Tigerlily, if your parameters are not right then this will increase infections due to the fact your fish are stressed.
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