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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 23, 2003
Beausejour ,Canada,Manitoba
I have a pretty much square 70 gallon tank and I have a small terracotta strawberry pot which I want to use as a trickle tower for the tank but here is the problem I do not really want to put anything for it to sit on in the tank because it will take up room I want for the fish - and since there are holes on the side where the water runs out it has to be over the top of the tank - here is where I need ideas - how can I suspend it over the tank ?
If the pot has a taper or a ledge you could make a hoop with 2 spans coming out of it that rest on either side of the tank, like this:


and drop the pot in the hole.
That idea sounds good. Or else use some stiff coated wire and wrap it around into hooks that go around the filter.
Get a tube of AQ silicone sealant, make the frame as you wish, then coat the wire with the silicone sealant. It will keep the metal from rusting or leaching metal into the water. It will be a messy job, but it should work.
well I made one you cansee it in my album - I am no good at posting photos - I used bamboo but I do not know if the pot was glazed or not / how can you tell ?
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