Tiny shrimp in the filter

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 23, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Found about 100 of these guys in my overflow. The strange thing is I only have 1 piece of live rock and 2 damsels so far. Nothing was added to the tank besides instant ocean, its like these guys just showed up out of nowhere.


They grew from about 1mm to 10mm in a week, black backs, small tail, and 3 distinct antennae sticking out of their head. They had eaten the top 4" of my filter floss CLEAN, but couldn't really dig any deeper.

On an amusing note, when I removed the filter floss from the overflow, ALL 100 of them scurried up my arm trying to flee back into the water. :crazyeyes: Slightly unpleasant sensation there... whoah.
Welcome to AA Echoplex! :smilecolros: :n00b:

What a way to introduce yourself! I'm sure you had the time of your life with that :eek2: I can't imagine where they came from but the question is...where are they
They came from the LR, they are amphipods and will typically reproduce quite rapidly in a predaceous free area. Harmless and quite beneficial.

They are a great free source of food and are a requirement for some types of fish like mandarins. The rest of us hope for these and some even buy them. I get a new piece of rock every couple months just to feed the mandarin. You got lucky.
I just started my tank and found out that these little things died. Is there something wrong with my water?
They molt just like any other crustacean. That's more likely what your seeing, not dead ones. They are quite hardy as a rule.

What are you water specs?

i had a few of these that pop up in the filter pad...i just toss them back in the tank...the clown loves them....i bought some GARF Grunge...and now there population has exploded.....thought at first they were all baby mantis but now i know they are not

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