tiny starfish ? any one have an answer?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 20, 2013
i have been seeing small(dia. of a pencil) whitish 6 point starfish creatures recently multipling in my 30 gal tank. they seem to have one longer appendage. mostly adhere to glass. only had seen one or two for weeks but now maybe 10 +/-. i can only imagine this to continue to propigate. are they detrimental and are there any "clean up crews" out there to take care of business.???
i will attempt to take pic. later and post it if it helps anyone
thanks for reading this and any reply would be great -ray
Asternia starfish. Harmless guys, though some have claimed they can go postal on coral. Harmless, unless you don't like them. Then you can simply keep numbers in check my sucking them out with some siphon hose.
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