Tiny white worms

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 12, 2012
Hi there, currently in a fishless cycle & have 6 live plants in my tank, suddenly 2 tiny water snails have appeared & there seems to be 3/4 tiny white worms which I can see, I hope the worms are not parasitic? Has anyone else had this & are they safe to fish once I start stocking this weekend?

Snails hitching rides on plants maybe. Worms could be planarian or leeches. Try looking up both on google.
Bottomfeeder88 said:
Snails hitching rides on plants maybe. Worms could be planarian or leeches. Try looking up both on google.

Yeah I had planaria which I Didn't see until they were everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE !!! They were killing fry, snails, all in the gravel, sides of the tank, hatchery, heater. Filter! Eventually I moved all my stock to a 30 and took down the tank. Its now being used a a DG breeder and hopefully panda Cories once I'm sure the worms have gone. Be careful if they are because in 3 days of me noticing them they were everywhere. They killed half of my fry as well.
Planaria is only an issue if you overfeed. Suction the gravel, and feed less, and they go away on their own.
I killed mine with no heat! Yeah they fed off my fry and food found in the gravel. I siphoned every week but I missed one out ( not a water change but siphoning) because of the fry in the gravel.
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