To Catch a Crab

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 25, 2004
New York, NY
I'm trying to catch a crab that's living in my largest piece of LR. Dipping isn't an option because it's so large and has a lot of life I don.t want to harm.

For the past few nights, I've put a tilted glass with sinkable food in the bottom into the tank. No dice. I tried scallops packed into a plastic bottle cap as bait, but they still float.

How long do people find it takes to catch the crab? Do you leave the trap in constantly until it works? Wouldn't that leak a like of nitrates into the system?

I really want this crab gone before I add any other livestock. This guy already knocked off my cleaner shrimp.
I meant a metal bottle cap, sorry. (When I think of a bottle cap I think of a beer bottle cap thats why I didnt specify LOL)

I just crimp the metal cap over the food and it sinks right down to the bottom of the glass or mason jar.

Make sure you do not feed your tank for a couple of days either, you'll have hungry crabs ending up in your glass for sure. If they have enough crap to eat just laying around they will stay inside of ther comfortable rocks because they do not necessarily like to venture away from their "homes".

Oh also yes leave the trap in there,the crabs will get comfortable with it that way.

Just replace the bait once a day before it gets stinky. :wink:
I didn't realize putting metal in the tank was cool. I will try that. Guess I'll have to empty a beer first. Twist my arm.

I have seen this crab pick off pods. I hope I won't have to wait for my pods to be decimated before he's trapped.

Fingers crossed.
I place a few pieces of meat on a small rock and wrap it with fine netting so my shrimp can't come in and steal it or eat it all right away. I have at leat 2 stone crabs I need to catch but the trap wasn't successfull the first night.
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