To purchase or not to purchae? Eclipse System

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 8, 2003
Southeast Louisiana
I have been debating the last few days about whether or not to purchase a 29 gallon Eclipse system. I have an 80 gallon (w/350 Mag) that is out of comm right now due to a hyperactive 13" Pacu and 10" Oscar. They busted the seam, and I don't know much about fixing it, so I am opting to purchase the Eclipse. I hear nothing but good things about them and they look easy enough for a child to operate. Are they worth the investment (since they are a bit pricey? Would I be better off going the standard tank route since I already have the fixins? Can anybody give me any advise on fixing "ol' thirsty" (the 80 gal)?

I have two 37 gallon show tanks with Eclipse 3 light/filtration hoods on them. They are extremely easy to assemble and operate, and I love both of them, except for one thing - the very cool "all in one" feature is a drawback if you need to add extra filtration. No HOB or clip on canister filters. The reason I mention that is I decided to use one of mine for a goldfish tank. Now I uinderstand why everyone says you cannot overfilter a goldfish tank. I have just added an internal filter canister, which is helping immensely, but asethetically, it leaves something to be desired.

My other one is a tropical community tank, and I've really had no problem with it. Of course, you wouldn't be able to plant these tanks, as they are so tall, and you only have 30 watts of light over about 35 gallons of water (exclusive of substrate and decor). Marineland was so very clever in making sure you have to use their bulbs that I can't see how you'd modify the hood to take compact flourescents. Which means you'd have to deep-six the hood you paid so much money for in the first place. Fortunately, live plants are not an issue in either one of my tanks, as goldfish will pretty much decimate live plants, and I've got some fish in the tropical tank which wouldn't be too friendly to plants either.

Just my opinions. . . If you like the tank, and are pretty sure additional filtration isn't going to be an issue, get it. The bio-wheel is really worth its weight in gold.
For fixing the 80 gal, try reading this at the DIY projects forum:

Instructions for tank repairs are there. Fixing a leak is pretty simple, just replace the silicone on the inside seam. However, if the seam is seperated, you might need to take the pane apart - never done that myself, maybe someone else can come in & help?
Yep, I agree with StoneyDee.

Eclipses *really* limit you. They're perfect as a Fish-only, small capacity tank, but they cannot be expanded. I'm having the same issue with a silly 4-gallon tall I bought on a whim.

So, if you ever plan on getting plants other than Java Ferns, or on keeping highly-"productive" fish, I would say no to the Eclipse. :(
Yup.. I, too agree!!!

Like madasafish explained.... very limited on both lighting and filtration changes,
upgrades and/or repairs!

Bernie :)
Not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but you're considering putting a 13 inch pacu and a 10 inch oscar in a 29g tank? Way too small, unless its VERY temporary. You may find them beating on each other as well, as the territory will be reduced considerably.
Not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but you're considering putting a 13 inch pacu and a 10 inch oscar in a 29g tank?

Good Lord No... Sadly the 80 gal went out over a year ago (I am just getting back in to the swing of things). I could not find homes for my guys, so I committed a no no... I put them in my uncle's pond. They did well there, surprisingly. I saw the (Fire) Oscar from time to time while fishing, and his colors were beautiful. Much better looking than in my tank. The Pacu sadly was caught and he is no longer with us. :cry:
I had no choice, the tank was busted and I couldn't find homes for them. Sorry.

Thanks for the advice guys, you have successfully convinced me not to buy the Eclipse. I am a perpetual tinkerer anywa, so I probably wouldn't have liked its non-versatility.

I might have to give fixing the 80 gal a shot.
You know, screw koi :p I'm gonna have an Oscar Pond one day :p :p :) :twisted:

Skip the eclipse. Save some money, get a regular tank and a Penguin or Emperor filter. Eclipses look good, but that hood is a pain if you ever want to change anything at all.
holy crap... people go fishing in your pond... whooooa.. must be huge

It's about 1/2 an acre. I fly fish every once in a while. It used to be a catfish pond.

ferret, I will take your advice. I am now in search mode. Thanks.
Haha. Good on ya, D-DAY. Go for the versatility!! I'm sure you won't regret it! If you're anything like me, you probably make small to large changes to the set-up of your tanks fairly often. I love having room for change in my tanks! Tinkering is half of the fun of keeping fish :wink: .
Actually, My uncle thought it was a large and fairly odd bream. He was going to have it mounted. By the time I got there he already had my buddy frozen on ice. Poor little bugger. I bet he put up a good fight.
I have an eclipse 12. Ferret is right , the top is a pain to deal with, but I got mine really cheap, so I can't complain too much. :twisted:
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