to Sand or not to Sand . . .

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, CA
I currently have 3 tanks, (2) 10g tanks & a 46g tank & have been contemplating swtiching from gravel to sand. I think may start with the two smaller tanks & see how I like it then do the larger tank. I've read many threads on here about switching over & think I could do it relatively easy as my tanks are not nearly as fancy as some of y'alls. :cool: Decisions, decisions.
Sand wil give a much more natural and nice look.

Well, that depends on where you're from. LOL. Some of us were raised around rock bottom creeks & such so is a more natural look. :whistle:

I'm starting to appreciate the look of sand & that waste doesn't seem sink into it like it does with gravel.
shellieca said:
Well, that depends on where you're from. LOL. Some of us were raised around rock bottom creeks & such so is a more natural look. :whistle:

I'm starting to appreciate the look of sand & that waste doesn't seem sink into it like it does with gravel.

Ha true I'm from Long Island right by the beach. Lots and lots of sand
I was around rocky bottomed creeks AND went to the beach every summer so I love both lol... I just made the switch to sand and it is SO much easier to clean IMO. I love the way it looks. I also added some large rocks. :D
I definetly like sand over gravel, It's easier to clean and work with.

Just make sure you rinse it very, very well so it doesn't cloud your water.

I have black, but to do it again I think maybe white would have been better.
I have sand in 2 of my aquariums. The other 2 have Floramax and Fluval Stratum for planted aquaria. Sand has its advantages over gravel but if you use the whiter colored sand, IME, the dirt of fish waste and uneaten food show up and stick out like a sore thumb. That gives me motivation to clean my tank with sand more often. But its slightly trickier to clean sand instead of gravel IMO. You have to use finesse to hover the siphon just over the sand to clean it up, while taking caution to not suck up sand. This has increased my tank maintenance time a bit. Plus the sand can get inside the impeller of your filter, so just be careful or cover the intake with pantyhose or a prefilter sponge.

Plants do well in sand over gravel. However, just as a suggestion, if any of your tanks are going to be planted, maybe you can try a planted tank specific substrate in one or two of them? My plants do significantly better in my tanks with Floramax and Fluval Stratum. They have trace elements and a high CEC characteristic in absorbing nutrients from the water to feed the plant roots. Just food for thought.
Well, I guess I need to think about this a little more. Thank you all for the responses, Convict I remember well you switching to sand just a month or so ago.
Brian, thank you for the words of advice, I currently have plants in all 3 tanks, some plants doing better than others but certain plants growing well in each tank & the caution about the impeller is something I wouldn't have probably thought about until I had problem.
Well, I guess I need to think about this a little more. Thank you all for the responses, Convict I remember well you switching to sand just a month or so ago.
Brian, thank you for the words of advice, I currently have plants in all 3 tanks, some plants doing better than others but certain plants growing well in each tank & the caution about the impeller is something I wouldn't have probably thought about until I had problem.

As long as you properly prepare the sand before putting it in the tank none of the grains will float into your filter. Just wash it in a pillowcase or put it in a bucket and keep dumping and replacing the water until none of the grains float and the water isn't cloudy.
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