tom cruise

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 12, 2005
I know the media has been giving Tom Cruise a hard time regarding his relationship with Katie Holmes and I don't really know much or care much about that.

However all day yesterday and today the media has been giving him a hard time about his interview with Matt Lauer. Which I saw and thought was fascinating and it gave me a new found respect for Tom Cruise.

They were discussing psychiatry and psychiatric drugs which Tom is against due to his Scientolgoy beliefs. Now, I don't know much about Scientology, other than the fact that Battlefield Earth wasn't great and the Dianetics book was too boring for me to get through..

But I gotta say alot of what Tom had to say made sense. There are too many little kids on Ritalin. There are too many adults on antidepressants. Psychiatrists are too quick to prescribe medication over slowing down, healthier diets, and exercise.

So why is the media acting like Tom is crazy. He was very passionate about the topic and it did come off a little intense but in my opinion it's about time someone spoke out against over medicating our youth with all this crap just because zombies are easier to take care of in school than active little boys.

A psychiatrist on MSNBC actually said something to the effect, "if you want to go on a holistic kick that may work fine for you but not for everyone"

......the thing that got me about that sentence was the "kick" part. Like eating right and exercising is some new fad, a "kick."

Anyway I was curious if anyone else has been thinking about this. It really got my attention because my son is in private school but he will be going to public school next year and I have heard so many horror stories from parents who were told by teachers that their kids need drugs.

It also scares me cause you have to wonder how all these kids raised on Ritalin are going to be as adults. From what I have read it is a very powerful drug. Also most of the adults I know who take prozac or xanax don't seem very happy or helped. It just seems very wrong to me that Tom Cruise would be persecuted for speaking out against drugs.

And as far as the Brook Sheilds stuff, well she wrote a book about her post partum depression and how she needed drugs.....So I feel like she opened herself up to comments like the ones Cruise made. If she can suggest new mothers with post partum depression should take drugs why shouldn't Tom Cruise be able to suggest they shouldn't?
I agree that there are way too many kids on drugs that they don't need. I think that parental guidance and attention would probably solve a lot of "problems". But also each situation is different, and I really don't know what these parents are going through.
I don't give a you know what about Brook Sheilds or Tom Cruise or their problems. Why do people take "stars" so seriously? We are talking about people who play pretend for a living. :lol:
Great post!

I see nothing wrong with what Tom Cruise is saying and in my opinion he is mostly right. I cannot take a hard line like he does and say drugs are "never" an option but American's, like the doctors are using drugs as a crutch. Unfortunately so are parents, in particular parents that are having kids as kids themselves and are emotionally not mature enough to raise children.

Last year we were called into school regarding my then 8 year old and his potential ADD! They suggested a course of action that would have led straight to the doctor and no doubt a recommendation for some kind of drugs. BS. I told them to deal with it and do their jobs. Sure we were concerned and we made some responsible changes at home to get him on track. This year, major improvements in grades and behavior at school. A year made all of the difference in his "natural" growth both physically and emotionally.

This year my daughter was fighting depression and thoughts of self mutulation. In her case and after much research we decided to allow the use of Prozac. Almost immediately it kick started a change that has resulted in a total change of attitude. But only a kick start was allowed. We do not subscribe to long term use of psychotic drugs and you are right, we are becoming a nation of addicted zombies. In many cases the side effects are worse than the original diagnosis.

So in the last year I have been challenged twice and used two different solutions. No regrets.

My advice to parents everywhere is simple:

Stay involved in your children's school and activities.
Don't attempt to make an overachiever out of a child that isn't.
Research, research, research. (Many would spend more time researching this website about our hobby than they might regarding their children)

Oh yeah. Lots of hugs!! :D :D
They are giving him grief about it because he is an idolized superstar, and maybe he does not realize it but people will make decisions based on things he says, sad as that sounds. People will yank their kids off Ritalin because Tom said so, without consulting their doctor, and without properly weaning the kid, etc., so it is somewhat irresponsible for a mega star to give medical advice, especially as vehemently as he did. Brooke Shields did the same thing but from what I understand it was more anecdotal, relating her personal experience with post-partum depression.

I imagine that if I had a kid with ADD/ADHD I would be the type of parent who would tend to resist using drugs to control behavior, but I don't have kids who have ADD/ADHD so I can't comment on that, and I recognize the incredible social challenges of these difficult kids.
I don't know. I feel there are two many kids on drugs too, but I also have a friend who's son is ADD.

I have seen him before the meds and after the meds, and my goodness, what a big difference. I'm certainly not saying it works for everyonem but unless you experience it first hand, it's hard to tell. I do believe you should exhaust every possibilty first before resorting to meds.
FawnN said:
I don't know. I feel there are two many kids on drugs too, but I also have a friend who's son is ADD.

I have seen him before the meds and after the meds, and my goodness, what a big difference. I'm certainly not saying it works for everyonem but unless you experience it first hand, it's hard to tell. I do believe you should exhaust every possibilty first before resorting to meds.

That's right. Each instance should be viewed as unique and separate. The problem is that kids have been grouped into classes and little boys are in many cases victimized. A rambuctuous little boy would appear more healthy than a shy quiet little boy that never disrupts or has an outburst. Unfortunately the shoe has been put on the wrong foot.

I suggest that there are definitely ADD kids that medications can help. In the minds of my sons teachers and administrators he was disruptive and a little hyper. Must be ADD!! Oh yeah and I forgot to mention in my other post the way they "incent" you to get your child diagnosed. "One of the good things about having an ADD child is that he will be allowed to take the test several times and improve his chances of getting a better grade." That really made me hit the ceiling!! :evil:

Now I am getting mad again. Is there a pill for that?? LOL :)
I am currently raising my 14 year old brother who was diagnosed ADHD when he was 5! My mother always swore to the medicine ... everything from prozac down to nothing short of straight amphetamines (speed).

When my mother passed away 3 years ago in august, I gained control of my brother and have since then taken him off the medicine ... there is definitely no doubt he is ADHD, but I don't see how later in life after 20 years of drugs how he is going to be better. In fact I see him being chemically dependent on this medication and not being able to function normally without it! I know I may be in the wrong for this but the way I look at it now is I am the only one who has the ability to make a change in his life.

After our mother passed away he went into a deep state of depression, mix that with a horrible case of ADHD and you have the classic cocktail for suicidal tendencies. I have taken him to all types of counseling and stay very involved in what he is doing ... sometimes to an extreme extent!!!! I also show him ways to deal with his problems i.e. Personal organizers, calenders, date books, study groups for homework, sticky notes on everything for reminders, journals, scrapbooking photos of mom and family to help him through the tough times and have even recently gotten him into fish keeping for his responsibility issues!

ADHD is in fact a very hard thing to deal with, even more so when you mix it with depression ... but what I have learned to accept is that there is always always other ways than to jump straight to medication!

America has not recently become chemically dependent it has always been that way, just not as widespread. There has always been someone somewhere that feels their life wouldn't be normal without that little pill everyday! It truly is sad to see the future of America going down the tubes. JUST REMEMBER PARENTS ... we are the only ones who can make a difference. there are online support forums for families who deal with ADD/ADHD and as well as depression.

As for the whole Tom Cruise thing .....

Well I think he is pretty much a buffoon for even saying some of the things he did! I mean come on, the truth stands in what works for some may not work for others.

The whole scientology religion is pretty much a scam, and some of the things they believe in are more along the lines of David Koresh type mentality. is a good informational website for those who may want to read more about L. Ron Hubbard and Dianetics. Beware that it is a site that slams the religion so many of the comments may sound one-sided if you may, but if you research the net you will come up with a lot of it being truth!!!!
When I was six or seven the school told my mother that I had ADD, and told her that they suggest I be medicated accordingly.
I Did not have ADD, I was merely a happy, chatter box, like most seven year olds. I think that for behavior problems, children shouldnt be medicated until they are atleast in their late teens unless it is so severe that it ofcourse would lead to self harm, or the harm of others. Honestly, I think that we have begun to medicate children just because they are different individuals from the other children. And at such a young age, i do not think we have any right to do such, because it could be altering the very way the child develops....
I think we are over prescribing meds for ADD for sure.

Cruise has been acting like a complete lunatic over the past few months so right now he has a huge bullseye on his back. The press is just waiting to pounce on him & make him look stupid. He should try and hang low or something. :roll:
Tom Cruise = spoiled brat of a celeb.

Suing over a squirt gun attack? Grow up and deflate your oversized head.

I agree that we as a society are over medicated. My cousin, whom I used to babysit while my aunt was out of town had ADHD. She tried everything and finally gave in to drugs and what a difference! My cousin is now a young teen and off meds. He "out grew" his ADHD and is doing well.
As for adults and depression, that is a serious issue. As an adult with depression, I can tell you that I fall apart without my meds. Not everyday, but it builds up to the point where I cannot leave my house, yelling at Trevor and taking things out on myself. Diet, exercise and counseling play a large part in treating depression, but those with chemical oddities in the brain need the meds. I cannot stand Tom Cruise and his stupidity with Brook Sheilds. If she needs treatment, that's hers to deal with.
I want to agree with the statement that each case is independent of its owner.
I was very talkative in high school, however it was because my day started at 5:30 and by the time 1st hour rolled around I was in the full swing of my day. My brother, on the other hand could not concentrate long enough to sharpen his pencil. The ritalin that was prescribed for him gave him the ability to focus on his studies and the situations that he was in.

Please don't think that I am saying if you or your children cannot focus stick them on drugs. That is not what I am saying at all! My parents, both teachers I might add, worked with his teachers and used the drugs as a last resort. This began while my brother was in 1st grade. By 9th grade he had learned to focus and control himself in situations where it was required that he was removed from the medication and has not been on it since. He is currently in his mid 20s.

Again, I believe that each situation is unique and should be viewed that way by responsible parents and/or guardians.

In regards to Tom Cruise:

This is, luckily, a country where we are free to speak our minds both publicly and privately. Mr. Cruise is entitled to his opinion and is entitled to stating his opinion publicly. He is also one of a select few that the world pays attention to. I respect that he is passionate about his religion and his love for Ms. Holmes.


I think that respecting other people's opinions is also important. Now I have never met either Tom Cruise or Matt Lauer, but Mr. Lauer is no slouch. I would think that he is pretty well informed about the world around him. :roll:

If Tom Cruise wants to state his opinion that is fine, but respect other opinions as well. I know that if I was interviewed by Matt Lauer and I, (being the non-famous person I am, acted the way that Tom Cruise acted I would be ridiculed too.
So I guess it is only fitting what he is getting in return.

With Regards to Katie Holmes and the squirting accident:
He can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants as far as I am concerned.
And to a certain degree I agree with him concerning being squirted, it could have been acid or something as potentially harmful. However, sueing to make a point is childish.

SO, (and sorry this is so long) Respect other people's opinion and don't act like a dingdong if you don't agree, and also be involved with your child in all aspects of their lives so that you are making an informed, involved decision if you are pressed to do so.
Yeah, I too agree that medication decisions need to be made on a case by case basis. And I would definitely rather new moms take meds then kill their children. And I also understand that antidepressants may save someone from comitting suicide. It's the Ritalin that just really bothers me, because so many kids are on it. And so often it's little boys.

I realize that Ritalin may in fact be helpful for certain children....I just wish ADD wasn't so subjective a diagnosis. There really is no way to prove that someone is or isn't ADD. And so prescribing brain altering drugs so widely to children who are too young to protect themselves scares me a bit. Plus I have a very active little boy so I'm nervous about public school. Whatever happened to the boys will be boys school of thought......

Maybe we were better off back in the old days when a teacher could swat a misbehaving child at school. That might sound harsh but sending them off to the psychiatrist for personality altering drugs seems way worse IMO.
Ritalin isn't prescribed as much as you might think. There are tons of different drugs given to kids- which my sister has taken almost all of.

I know I have ADD/ADHD but I never took meds, I learned to deal with whatever problems on my own. However my sister, at the age of 5 was diagnosed with severe clinical depression- at 5! It broke my heart because it was like being bi-polar but w/o the highs.. it was severe lows and not too low lows.. but never happy. She took it out on herself and the family. She beat me with a wire hanger when she was 4, she has chased my mom with a knife, and threatened to kill herself with bug spray when she was 5. Now, with proper medication (which took a while to figure out what works best) she is 13 and WONDERFUL.. a totally different person.

I don't believe in sedating your kids if they seem to be a handful, but i do believe some kids need medical help because, in fact, the chemicals in their brain can't release like they should on their own.

I dunno, Tom Cruise annoys me. Especially now with his crazy approach with everything.

Like TG said.. he was getting "in trouble" because he was using his new movie to promote his beliefs.
Being an individual with Adult ADD, I would never touch a drug. I struggled through college, worked my butt off, and graduated despite having it (even though it was extremely difficult to try and concentrate or even sit through a class). Drugs are over prescribed to kids, no matter what the drug is. There is a syndrome for everything. My nephew was referred to a doctor who prescribed Ritalin. My sister-in-law refused to give it to him. Instead, he got more attention from everyone else, was put into school sports, and his attitude has 100% turned around. His grades have improved and he is the happiest little boy I have ever met.

On a side note though, I do think Tom Cruise is a wack job. He said there there is no such thing as a Chemical Imbalance. Then I assume that all those doctors and scientists were just making it up? I could go on and on about him, but I"ll just spare you all the details. Enough said, wack job.
I am actually getting so tired of hearing about Tom Cruise. He is beginning to really bug me with this Scientology thing and Katie Holmes.

He is right up there with JLo in my, "stars that I hate to hear about or see on TV".
cJw said:
........oversized head.

He had an interview on Aussie TV last night and I noticed that his nose seemed disproprtionately large. I hadn't noticed this before... maybe he has the flu.... and it affected his brain?

Seriously would you marry someone who idolized you as a kid? Seems a bit like Marrying your older nice uncle or something!
Tom Cruise is an idiot...I can't wait for him to have some major medical issue that "scientology" can't cure and then watch him justitfy the holes in his belief that allow him to recieve the best medical treatment money can buy.
Andos99 said:
Tom Cruise is an idiot...I can't wait for him to have some major medical issue that "scientology" can't cure and then watch him justitfy the holes in his belief that allow him to recieve the best medical treatment money can buy.

Well, I saw on the news today where he and Katie pulled up to a premier on a motorcycle. They weren't wearing helmets. 8O So. He may have a major medical issue soon enough! :x
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