Too much circulation

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 27, 2014
Wondering if I have too much circulation in my 125g tank causing some debris to just swirl around the tank rather than be sucked up by the filter. I have to powerheads at opposite sides of the tank pointing at the front glass. Positioning may be wrong but there is always debris swirling around the tank. Any advice?

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Can you alter the flow rate ? Im no expert so by power heads do you mean extra to your filter ? If so can you remove power heads ?
Hello dj...

Don't really see the need for a powerhead. The filtration equipment should be enough to aerate the tank. You just need a gallon per hour (gph) rating of 4 times the volume of the tank in gallons. Your tank would need a gph of 500. So a couple of filters at 250 a piece set at opposite ends of the tank would suffice. Just follow a good water change routine and your fish and plants will be fine.

Remember, too much surface movement will drive off CO2 which your plants need.

No plant, so Co2 doesnt matter but I unpluggeed one of the powerheads this morning so well see how it is when i get home

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They are maxijet poeerheads so they are 3 pumps in 1. I have them maxed out on flowrate now. Will reduce a little this evening and see what happens.

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