Too Prude to Kiss?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2005
ok ok ok.. i know that is a lame title but my 2 kissing gouramie will not kiss i knwo they are both males and i ahve read in many books they are extremely teritorial??? but.. they are acting like lovers they swim next to each other eat together ect ... soo i was thinking mabey there taking it slow no kissing till a weeklol lame again ... SOME 1 help me there tank mate is a dwarf blue guramie.. in a 20 gal but it is not hevealy planted nor anyhting very open is that a problem? i duno some 1 help me
I believe that "kissing" is actually an aggression thing. I would think you are lucky if they are not kissing.
kissing is not actually "kissing". Kissing is a way they fight. Like bucks lock antlers, and other animals lock horns, the kissing gouramis lock mouths - the more powerful one will win the dominance (until they fight again, lol)
i know i kno wall that but why are nt they i knwo its a sighn of agression but y wont they?
Are you absolutely sure you have two males? From what I've read, kissers are very hard to sex.
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