Top 10

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This new category should help people with smaller tanks

Top 10 greatest fish for tanks 15 gallons and smaller (fresh or salt water)
1. Bettas
2. Ruby red tetras
3. Elassoma Evergladei
4. Heterandia Formosa
5. Neon goby
6. Tanaka's Pygmy wrasse
7. Indostomus paradoxus
8. Chili rasbora
9. Licorice gourami
10. Rocket killifish
1. Bettas (male only, divided male, community with a male, or female sorority)
2. Dwarf Cory species, pygmaseus, habrosus...
3. Guppies
4. Endlers
5. Harlequin rasboras
6. Dwarf gourami
7. Badis badis .. I think that's what I mean.
8. Shrimp
9. Least killifish
10. Mosquito fish
1. Betta

2. Axolotl

3. Khuli loach

4. Dwarf gourami

5. Chili rasbora

6. Golden White Cloud

7. Catalina Goby

8. Wheeler's Shrimp Goby

9. Helfrichi Firefish

10. Dwarf seahorse

These were in no particular order, really.
1. Porcupine puffer
2. Volitans lionfish (as long as you don't release them!)
3. Mandarin
4. Moray eel
5. Dogface puffer
6. Fu Manchu lionfish
7. Dwarf seahorse
8. Hippo tang
9. Foxface
10. Octopus (not a fish but awesome nonetheless )

★Do not release any of them. Fish that are born or bred in captivity should live out their lives in captivity.
1. Neon tetras
2. Dwarf gourami
3. Killifish
3. Guppies
4. Bettas
7. Otos
8. Ember tetras
9. Chilli Rasbora
10. I can't think of another one :(
Nice ideas. This next category is sort of the inverse category.
Top 10 fish for tanks 400 gallons and up

1. Clown loach
2. Motoro stingray
3. Senegal polypterus
4. Tire track eel
5. Fire eel
6. Mastacembelus elipsifer
7. Red tiger cichlid
8. Jaguar cichlid
9. Pike cichlid
10. Festae
Silver arwonna
Peackock bass
Any type of teacup stingray
Green terror
Tiger oscar
redtail catfish (maybe too big)
Angelfish school
Discus school

See above

See above above

See above above above

See above above above above

See above above above above above

See above above above above above above

You get the idea.

Edit: Any saltwater shark.
Nice ideas. This next category is sort of the inverse category.
Top 10 fish for tanks 400 gallons and up

1. Clown loach
2. Motoro stingray
3. Senegal polypterus
4. Tire track eel
5. Fire eel
6. Mastacembelus elipsifer
7. Red tiger cichlid
8. Jaguar cichlid
9. Pike cichlid
10. Festae

1. Angelfish
1. Stingrays
3. Bala sharks
4. Huge *** school of neons
5. Oscars
6. Clown Loaches
7. Discus
8. Arowannas
9. Black Ghost knives
10. Common pleco

Angelfish is the only one in order ;)
1.) Africans malawi cichlids. All types.
2.) Koi carp.
3.) Corydora.
4.) Discus.
5.) Galaxy rasbora.
6.) Congo tetra.
7.) Angelfish.
8.) Firemouth cichlid.
9.) Plecos.
10.) Harliquin rasbora.

Whether theyre in order i dont know.
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. This category is
Top 10 greatest aquarium plants
1. Rotala macranda
2. hemianthus callitrichoides
3. Lilaeopsis
4. Anubias nana petite
5. Ammania gracilis
6. Ludwiga repens
7. Java fern
8. Christmas tree moss
9. Glossostigma
10. Marimo moss balls( algae technically)
Amazon Sword
Baby Tears
Moss Balls
Water Lettuce
Java Fern
Anubias Nana
Star Grass
Hmmm don't know any more :/
This week's category should be fun.

Top 10 favorite fish
1. Zebra pleco
2. Gertrudae rainbow
3. Ram cichlid
4. Apistogramma cacatuoides
5. Cardinal tetra
6. Snakeskin guppy
7. Rhinopias
8. Tapajos geophagus
9. Rocket killi
10. Helfrichi fire fish
1. Green Spotted Puffer
2. Betta
3. Albino Cory Catfish
4. Golden Dwarf Puffer
5. Koi
6. Trigger Fish (Hawaiian)
7. Spotted Cory Catfish
8. Fancy Tail Guppys
9. Angel Fish
10. Raccoon Butterfly
1. Betta
2. Green Spotted Puffer
3. Bristlenose Pleco
4. Porcupine Puffer
5. Lionfish
6. Black Ghost Knifefish
7. Goldfish
8. Oscar
9. Seahorse
10. Angelfish

In no specific order
1. Betta
2. South American Dwarf Cichlids
3. Dwarf Puffer Fish
4. Indian Dwarf Mudskipper
5. Goldfish
6. Mexican Dwarf Cray (not a fish, but still awesome! :) )
7. True Freshwater Bumble Bee Gobies
8. Platy's
9. Gold/Cherry Barbs
10 Cory Catfish

So many more to choose from!! (Those aren't in any order BTW )
1. Black ghost knife
2. Starlight pleco (L183)
3. Inspector Snowball pleco
4. Betta smaragdina
5. Psuedotropheus maingano/Johanni
6. Jack dempsy wild type, not electric blue
7. Corydoras metae
8. Domesticated Bettas
9. Fancy guppies (pure strains, not pet store variants)
10. Sailfin albino swordtails

In no specific order

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