Top dwelling fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 14, 2013
What are some good top dwelling peaceful not plant eating fish that will fit a 29 gallon tank, thanks for the help!
It will depend on what other fish your keeping. Barbs, and some tetras might have a tendency to nip at them.
White clouds look cool IMO and they are top dwelling fish.. but they require cooler water around 78f and under.. Hatchet fish are top dwellers... I also noticed my dwarf neon rainbowfish always hang on the top of my 27g hexagon with my white clouds.
Threadfin Rainbows are a good choice also along with Blue eye Forktail Rainbowfish. If you have smaller fish in the tank already then Spotted blue eye's are a good choice. Clown Killifish are really tiny and I wouldn't keep them unless you have all nano fish in the tank.
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