Torn betta fins and sick gourami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 26, 2015
I have two problems :(

I have two bettas in a large, covered, divided tank. One somehow managed to sneak into the other's side last night and let's just say my veiltail is now a crowntail. I've found the divider problem and fixed it, I just want to know if there's any way to ensure my injured betta heals all right.

My second issue is that my dwarf gourami is fiercely infected with what I believe to be ich. My heat is sitting at 80 even though my NEW heater is set to 86 (slowly ramped up ofc)- will replace asap. The tank is salted, but not as much as prescribed on the box because it simply looks like too much to me? Two rounded tablespoons seems like a LOT for 10g, and I hear it's bad for my plants. None of the other fish are showing symptoms but the gourami is getting worse. Do I need to get serious with the salt and heat or should I go ahead and break out the ich medication? I really don't want to kill my biofilter, but my gourami looks terrible today.
About the betta:
Treat with melafix! It seriously worked wonders on my fish who cut himself by getting stuck in a castle. My fish was cut really deep and now it is 100% healed. Add a bit of aquarium salt to his side of the tank, treat with melafix for a week, and remove the carbon from the filter if possible. If you don't want to buy melafix, which is only about $7? For a decent sized bottle. Then use some stress coat.

About the gourami:
Move him to a quarantine tank asap if possible. If you don't have one you can buy those pet keepers for really cheap. You don't want your other fish getting sick (Not sure if it's contagious but if not it will still be easier to treat it that way). Treat him in there with meds and aquarium salt. Monitor him closely. Change the water daily 25% or every other day 50% and dose with medicine as the manufacturer says. Don't use a carbon filter.

That's all the advice I have. I'm not a professional but that's how I would do it. Good luck!
I have never used medication on a betta with battle wounds, so I have no advice there.

However, if your gourami has ich odds are that the they fish are exposed all ready and the ich is in the tank. I don't know how bad off your gourami is but I've beat ich three times with just heat and won every time. But if your gourami is really sick then you might need medicine.

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Generally with bettas and torn or damaged fins just keep the water quality good - melafix can be used but should be used in lower doses as it can coat the labyrinth organ they use to breath (it is an oil) - water changes are the best. Have a betta I picked up with less than half the fins he should have - really keeping on top of water changes has his fins growing back beautifully!
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