total alkalinity

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 29, 2004
Columbia, MD
I have 2 tanks and both of them test with very low alkalinity. The Petsmart guy said add some aquarium salt. I haven't noticed any difference. Any suggestions?
If you mean you have a low GH/KH, then aquarium salt is not really goig to be the thing to do, especially if the fish you keep don't like salt.

What are your GH and KH readings, and what kind of fish are you keeping? Also, pH would be good to know. It may be that what you have is fine for the fish you keep, which are probably acclimated to your water anyway. When you start trying to manipulate the water parameters it can get complicated, producing swings in your readings, which is much more stressful to the fish than just leaving it as it is.

If you do indeed have low KH/GH and you wish to raise it to maintain a stable pH, putting crushed coral in your filter is probably the simplest way to go. It lasts for months and does not cause any drastic changes that would stress the fish.

I have a couple of platys, a couple of swordfish, a couple of dwarf gourami, some neon tetra, and a couple of cory catfish in a 55 gallon tank. And now that I look at the bottle, I am talking about KH. My KH is between 0 and 40.

You may be right about just leaving it alone. They don't appear stressed.
The livebearers appreciate harder water than the other fish you are keeping, but they are certainly adaptable, and I would personally keep things as simple as possible, and using the tap water as it is certainly makes life easier, LOL!
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