Tracking Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp (Carinina dennerli) for Research

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2021
Vancouver BC

I'm a design researcher from Vancouver looking at species of animals and plants whose existence depends wholly on human intervention, basically, they only survive in captivity. The Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp hasn't been seen in its one native lake in Indonesia since 2013 and after speaking with some scientists about their population, it seems like there is no research on their numbers in captivity. So this is my attempt to track them down. The pursuit of this information is purely academic and I have no financial or regulatory stake in the species; I'm not affiliated with any government or corporation. All that said, I was hoping that some shrimp enthusiasts on here would give me some advice and help. Any advice is appreciated!

Is there any sort of industry catalogue of species being sold? A sort of aquarium store buyers guide?

Alternatively, so that I could make a map, if you keep these shrimp would you be willing to let me know how many you have and what city you are located in?

Here is a picture of what the species looks like.

You might have more luck in a shrimpkeeping Facebook group.

I know there are people who keep these in a Facebook group I’m in though I haven’t seen much about them here.
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