Treating BBA

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I have a pretty bad infestation of BBA in my high tech 10G. I've been spot dosing excel for about a week and a half, but I've stopped because there's been an increase in RCS baby's. I run pressurized CO2 and have 40W's of light. The tank is not overstocked. My pH is about 7.8. I have the lights on for about 4 hours a day. I do not dose any liquid ferts. I really really don't want to nuke the tank. Ive been running appropriate CO2 levels, but the algea is still growing and spreading. What should I do to get rid of it?


Lighting- 40W'S (4 hours a day)

Ferts- Co2

pH- 7.8


6- Chili rasboras
33- RCS
2- Nerites
2- Oto's
2- Rabbit snails
2- Micro crabs
DragonFish71 said:
That's odd that you have BBA with shrimp. I know my cherries devoured the BBA that was in their tank when I first put them in.

Here's some links that I've used for various algae issues:

Algae control in the aquarium

Freshwater Algae Types: An Illustrated Guide - Article at The Age of Aquariums - Tropical Fish

Wanna trade RCS;) lol thanks for the articles! Would it be safe to add the phosphate controller to my AC50? Also, if I were to lower the phosphate would the algea stop growing?
Looking closer at the second article, the algea I have seems to be staghorn algea. Can this be treated the same as BBA?
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