Treating bloat?

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Freshie In Disguise

Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2010
I broke down and bought a walmart betta. She's exceptionally beautiful. She's usually a bright, iridescent blue but changes to green and indigo depending on the lighting/angle she's at, and she has some magenta on her fins. Her finnage is absolutely flawless, as are her scales. She would make a fantastic breeder... Aside from the fact that she is bloated. When I bought her, I thought she was just sturdy, but now (in QT) she is looking rounder and rounder towards the front. I am finding lots of pictures and info saying whether the fish HAS bloat, but absolutely nothing saying how to treat it.

This is only the second ill fish I have ever had, so I don't have a clue what to do for her... At all. I am doing: Daily 50% PWC, mild salt treatment, reduced food (sinking granules), and increased heat (82 day, 80 night).

Should I feed her some peas or something? Medications? :confused:
Having the exact same problem. Don't feed the fish until you can tell he has been pooping or seems to get better. And try one pea mushed up. Use syringe to taunt the fish into eating it. Make sure temperature is warm enough. Good luck!
Is the bloated look even on both sides, or is bigger on one side than the other? Can you see if any of her scales are sticking out at all? I am not sure about this, but since WalMart (at least the ones I am used to) don't really feed the bettas much while they are awaiting purchase, so I have a feling that the issue isn't from over eating. Dropsy starts out by a bloated appearance though. Hopefully its just food bloat though. Try not feeding her for a day or 2 and then giving her a pea. If there is a change, that will help you narrow down the issue to food-induced bloat or not.
Good luck. Let us know if there are changes.
I can't get her to eat the pea. :( I'm assuming she will eat it once she gets hungry enough. That's all I'm offering her. It's smashed up into tiny bits.
And her scales aren't sticking out, and it seems evenly bloated on both sides, but I'm not positive. She darts around when I bend down to look closely.
My betta got over this quickly. Just don't feed for a few days and if the bloat looks better that means it was just constipated and he will be fine
Does she still look bloated? Since you can't get her to eat the pea, have you tried just fasting her for a couple of days? Epsom salt bath?
Sorry, I don't get online much.

I didn't feed her for three days (and I felt terrible about it) and then I offered her another smashed pea and she did eat some of it, but she still hasn't pooped at all and her belly is getting bigger.

How do I prepare the epsom salt bath / what is the proper ratio?
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