Treatment question! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bichir Bro

Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 7, 2013
Ok, I recently had a pearl gourami pass away from an unknown cause. Personally I believe it's fungal although true fungal infections are apperntly pretty rare. I quarantined her about five hours befor she died, so should I start treatment? I have prima and mela fix also stress coat. I was thinking about removing all my fish and putting them in a bucket I use for cleaning out the tank and begin some treatment with them. So any one got any ideas what to do about this? When do I start treatment? For how long? Should I begin removing fish and treating the fish? Or do I hold off? Thanks! Also I will attach photos of the female....
Sorry about the low quality
Woah woah slowdown. Can you give me tank info? Size fish types filter size water change schde etc? Also those medications wont do you any good for a fungal infection so I would'nt bother.
EDIT: your photo doesnt showup maybe its just me could you post again pls?
Ok well prima or mela fix ( I can't rember which one) but one of those treats fungal infections. And I know this from experience the only reason I asked is because pearls have a weak slim coat. And thanks for responding but she died a few days ago and now all my fish have it. I'm trying everything but I've already got two fish about to go and everyone else it's only a matter of time. Thanks anyway
I read your other post and its sounds alot like columnaries. If you act quickly its quite likley you can still save your fish.
I'm open to anything. I have some highly prized fish in there and I do not want them to die so please if you have info I would like to know, thank you so much.
"White spots on mouth, edges of scales, and fins Cottony growth that eats away at the mouth Fins disintegrate beginning at the edges 'Saddleback' lesion near the dorsal fin Fungus often invades the affected skin Rapid gilling in cases where gills are infected"

Heres a list of common collumnaries symptoms let me know if any of these match what your seeing. Also if you could post another photo or even try and find a photo on google images that closely resembled what your seeing on your fish that might also help :)
On my female gourami yes and on my male and paradise it also looks like it's trying to develop. It's kinda like a white crust lookin thing.
Ok everything in your list perfectly described what's happening and happened
A photo would be great :) For now lets start with the basics. Lets make sure your fish have the best water quality they can have for healing :) How long has it been since their last water change? Its a good idea to do one before putting any medication in.
Ok I'll focus on finding a photo, but for now my last water change was five hours before I put Meds in. My water is in Pristine condition and my temp is at 82 degrees.
If this is columnaries we have a few options. I've treated it once in the past and used two medications.
I used API Triple-Sulfa Antibacterial Medication, you can buy it at petsmart and I think petco. This didnt quite do the job for me it came back, so I took and ordered kanaplex by seachem. I've had to used this stuff alot in my road of learning how to fish keep correctly and I cant even tell you how well it works.
But you need to decide by this. How large your tank is, and how much your willing to spend on shipping or wait for medication?
The api medication required one packet per 10gals if I remember correctly. Treating my almost 40gal tank was expencive. But kanaplex requires one little scoop per 5 or 10gals and ir worked well. But you might be able to pickup the API medication locally versus having to speed ship Kanaplex to your house.
And I'm working on lowering it because the disease you described doesn't do so good in cold water but my only issue is I have all warm water fish.
I'm right now I have full dosage of API prima and mela fix also some API stress coat to help their slime coat.
Lowering your temp only helps if you go below 54 degrees so dont bother fussing with the temp. Kanaplex can be ordered online thru amazon but on rare occasions a specially store might carry it. You can always call around tommorow before ordering. Often times if you call sechem they can direct you to any store that has ordered it from them in the past.
I would start phasing out the medications. Lots of people say stress coat is useless but when my betta was at his worst with collumnaries I decided to add it and it made a noticable change. So its up to you wether to keep it or not but your fish need a day or so free from medication before switching.
Most effective way to completly remove meds is water changes and then add a brand new carbon pad. Remove before adding new medication of course.

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