Trigger with Ich?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 10, 2003
Las Vegas (...or lost wages)
I think my new niger trigger has ick. He may have had it when I bought it. He had a white spot on his body, I should have noticed this. But it seems to have multiplied on his body. What do I do? I don't have a quarantine tank. Does the product, nox-ich work? Should I reduce the salinity in the entire tank. Other fish in the tank are two damsels and a few snails/crabs. Help!!
Sick Trigger ??

I think my new niger trigger has ick. He may have had it when I bought it. He had a white spot on his body, I should have noticed this. But it seems to have multiplied on his body. What do I do? I don't have a quarantine tank. Does the product, nox-ich work? Should I reduce the salinity in the entire tank. Other fish in the tank are two damsels and a few snails/crabs. Temp is @ 82 currently, should I raise it? Can I use a new 10 gal with water from the main tank as a temp qt tank?
well, since I haven't heard any advice, I'll add to my dilemma. I just went out and bought a 10 gal to use as a QT tank. I think I will put the water from the main tank for the QT, put in a heater and treat the trigger with some nox-ich or cupramine. That should be a start. Oh yeah, and probably a fresh water dip.
advice anyone? I got my 10 gal, going to set it up as a qt tank tonite. Should I use the water from the main tank to get it started and will the trigger be ok in there for a couple weeks?
TriggerHappy said:
and treat the trigger with some nox-ich or cupramine. That should be a start. Oh yeah, and probably a fresh water dip.
Skip the FW dip and the nox-ich and go straight to the cupramine if you wish to use a med. Chelated copper will be much more affective than a malachite green product. There is also the option of hyposailinity.

I have also merged your other posts so people will get a clear picture of your problem.

How large is the trigger? The 10 gal QT would be fine if the trigger is still small <2".
Using the display tanks water is fine but do not fiddle with the temp leave it at a constant level in the 80-82° area.

ok...the trigger is small - bout 2 inches. The fish in the tank are the trigger and two damsels. I notice them scratching along the coral, a sign of ich. So I am pretty sure they have it now. I have the qt tank setup. I assume the only way Im gonna be able to kill off the parasite is to get ALL the fish out of the tank for 4 weeks which means I have to qt all the fish. Can I put them all in the 10 gal at the same time. Or what other option do I have. Don't wanna medicate the main tank.
TriggerHappy said:
I assume the only way Im gonna be able to kill off the parasite is to get ALL the fish out of the tank for 4 weeks which means I have to qt all the fish.
That would be correct. If you want to be done with it once and forever, it's the best way.

Can I put them all in the 10 gal at the same time. Or what other option do I have. Don't wanna medicate the main tank.
That would be quite a tight squeeze. Any chance of getting a larger container like a 20 gal?

I should have prob gone with the 20 gal off the bat, but I'm kinda stuck with the 10 now. I'll have to figure something out. What about performing the hyposalinity. Can I do this in the main tank. I only have a couple pieces of LR in there which I could move to the QT tank and some snails. Maybe this is an option. :|
You can do that however you will have to be very watchful of the water quality as the hypo would kill everything living in the substrate and could cause some nasty ammonia spikes. The greatest threat is with that amount of potential die off all at once, you may not be home to do something about it and personally I think the QT would be more managable. If you do opt for the main tank, try syphoning as much CC as possible into the small tank when you transfer the water, although you will only get some as 60 lbs is alot.

Keep in mind that the only thing hypo will not kill is the fish and bacteria.

well, i got some copperSafe from the LFS. As soon as I can catch the fish, I will treat them in the qt. I don't want to rush the treatment though, they still are pretty active in the main tank and are eating well.
I am sorry for the loss.. :(

No, you did the right thing. If you can avoid it, never treat the main tank.
I completely agree. You would not have had a different result if left in the main tank really. One thing to note though about triggers (I know this is probabley too late) is they are notorious for "playing dead" when freightened and there is an absence of places to properly hide or wedge themselves. I am not trying to insult your inteligence or make matters worse, just some additional info.

Just curious, what was the dosage used and actual water volume of the QT? How did you set up the QT?

i used 1 tbsp for each 4 gallons, so 2 1/2 tbsps in a 10 gal tank. Tank had 0 light, since it was under my tank with the doors shut. There are hiding places in there for them, a heater and a ph with filter. Also, now one of the two damsels in the tank has a puffy white eye and they are not moving much, what is that. Hope they are not next!

Just to make sure, I want to keep the tank without fish (just snails and hermits) for a month. Will this guarantee that the ich is gone?
2½ tspn is fine but did you confirm the reading after adding the copper to be sure it was not over the 0.25 ppm mark?

I am also wondering what the ph level was.
TriggerHappy said:
since it was under my tank with the doors shut
This part somewhat concerns me and if there was insufficient O2 available there could have been a sharp drop of ph in the QT. I would suggest leaving the doors open on the cabinet and aggitating the water to see if that helps the damsels. Is there a small low GPH PH available to place in there at the surface?

TriggerHappy said:
i used 1 tbsp for each 4 gallons, so 2 1/2 tbsps in a 10 gal tank.
Sorry, I just re-read this. You mean 2½ tablespoon or 2½ teaspoon?

Just to make sure, I want to keep the tank without fish (just snails and hermits) for a month. Will this guarantee that the ich is gone?
4 full weeks after all fish are removed will eliminate the parasite from the display tank.

My mis-type it was 2 1/2 teaspoon, not tablespoon, that woulda definetly nuked em! PH was 8.2. I will take your advice and place the powerhead closer to the surface and leave the cabinet door open, see if that helps. I definetly want to learn from this mistake, but I want to make sure I qt correctly in the future. I did not have a test kit, but made sure I measured correctly, im definetly going to pick up a test kit tomorrow.
Sounds good, just remember to monitor for ammonia and nitrite as well..

ughhh! Victim #2, domino damsel....this really bites, guess I'm startin from scratch...there is still the striped damsel in the qt, last one left. The inverts are doing well in the main tank at least and I know the ich will be gone. I will DEFINETLY quarantine newcomers in the future to prevent this. Hard lesson learned.

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