Trigon 190 stocking ideas

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 5, 2014
Bournemouth, UK

So I’ve moved the community to the new Vision 260 and they’re loving it... all showing colours, eating, and exploring!!! Gonna add some more corys, maybe some pals for the rummynose as watching the school integrate would be pretty cool with the Rainbows.

The plan was to start a FOWLR in the trigon 190 but after spending the day moving everything over, I’ve had a blip and thinking maybe stay with fresh... but what?!!

I know the bowed corner tank isn’t ideal for fish that’ll grow and need swimming space so am after some ideas. I’ve got the community already so if I keep it freshwater, leaning towards a species only tank.

Want to keep fairly peaceful, not too aggressive, possibly with a smaller school of something else too.

Recommendations/ideas/what have you got... go!!!
Hi I always suggest a look round your local fish shop see what you like the look of, make a note then ask again. Obviously one main area to consider these days is go biotope. Pick a an area of the world then narrow it down to a river or lake and see if you could replicate it in your tank. If you have a loot of tetra's you could try a barb tank or how about a dwarf puffer tank,have you kept fresh water shrimps? They are fascinating. Shell dwellers can be good{but never kept them myself yet} Good luck.
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