Trimming question how to

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I have xmoss, pennywort and hornwort growing into the surface how do I trim these plants and are the trims re-plantable?
the pennywort is growing what seems roots all through out the stem is this normal?
With the moss you can easily trim and replant/re-attach the clippings. Anacharis should be fairly simple as well. You can trim and replant the tops and leave the bottoms in to regrow more shoots. By Pennywort, I'm assuming you mean Hydrocotyle leucocephala, which is a runner plant. It is very hardy and you can also clip and replant it while leaving in the lower stems. Its tendency is to grow upward toward the light, but you can also train it to creep along the substrate with a little patience. Hope this helps :)
what lonewoldblue tought me was that with most plants you can clip them off right above the section of sprouted leaves, like topping them and replant what ya cut off, obviously that doesn't work with all plants, but for mine I know thats what ya can do
how you train the pennywort to grow along the substrate?
is the white looking roots that come out of everwhere from the stem etc, are they roots? do I place those on substrate to hold it down along the substrate?

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