Tropheus Duboisi Feeding

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2005
My Big Als just got some Tropheus Duboisi in as juveniles. I love the look of these guys and the guy also told me once they reach adult age they dramastically change to having a blue head with a white or yellow stripe and a black body. He told me to keep them singly or in groups of more then 10. I want to add 1 to my mixed cichlid aquarium as he said it would be fine but i just dont knwo how i would feed them. I mean he said dont feed them any protein at all only spirulina flakes but then what do i do with my other fish as they enjoy New Life Spectrum and the occasional Bloodworms. Do you think i'd be okay just feeding them NLS or does it have too much protein?
im under the impression, that no african cichlids should be having protein, so feeding bloodworms may cause i problem to begin with.

i know my kenyi cichlids could not have protein
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