Turbo Snails / Specific Gravity / Temperature

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 9, 2009
A few more questions please ...

I added 4 turbo snails today (large guys - about the size of walnuts) and they are going at it on my live rock. It's as if they strip everything in their path. I suppose this is normal?

My LFS considers specific gravity at 1.025 to be spot on perfect - I know this is a bit high for a FOWLER but I'm buying my water from them pre-mixed. Any negative side effects running the SG this high with fish only (ie. Ich more prone)?

My water temperature holds steady at 78 degrees w/o my heater even turned on ... sometimes a notch lower and by end of day it can creep up a fraction. So is a constant of 78 degrees +/- a degree a decent temperature?
1.025 is still in the acceptable range. I run mine there and have seen it go higher when I fail to fill the ato container. Just like temperature, there is a target range we shoot for. Most believe that slow change is the key. You would not want to see the sg or temp change over a short time. If you plan on buying water that is mixed at that same sg, you will be just fine.
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