Turquoise Rainbow White Spot

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 21, 2010
South FL
I have a sick Turquoise Rainbow. There is a white splotch on his scales near his upper fin (Excuse me, I'm not very experienced :rolleyes:). This spot exists on both sides, and has doubled in surface area over the last several days.

Temperature- 75F, adjusted from 72F as of last night because I have heard this may help.
Food- Flakes, including the prescence of a small piece of marine algae and the occasional Brine Shrimp.
Size- 35 Gallon

2 - Blue Gourami
2 - Small, Black Catfish (Embarrased that I don't know their specific species)
1 - Silver Molly
1 - Turquoise Rainbow

Can anyone diagnose this for me? The spot, shown in the pictures below, did not show up well on camera, but hopefully you can identify that faded white splotch just above the color median and near the rear of the fish.


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I see the spot you are talking about. Is it possible it's a fungus? If so, I would use some Melafix on the tank, and if you have a QT tank, move him there and treat him. :)
Looks like your fish got a drivers license pic LOL! How do you get him to stay still?!?! HAHA!
I don't have a QT tank, would that be required to treat him properly?

Oh, and he is thoroughly interested by my bubble-producing alligator toy, I snagged a few pictures while he was checking it out. :)
Well, even if you don't have a QT, you can still treat the whole tank. I bought some harlequin rasboras a few months ago, and they had a fungus, so I treated the whole tank, which also had a dwarf gourami and 6 kuhli loaches in it, and they were fine. :)
Pics sound great! I love pics! (I think everyone on here likes pics LOL)
any good lfs will, walmart even has it... not sure if this applies to fungus or not, but when i was battling columnaris (google that, might see some similarity), dropping the temp to 70 actually helped, along with salt, melafix, pimafix, and daily 50% PWC's
I've heard that raising temperatures can also be harmful, so good thing I didn't do anything drastic. I'll take a trip to the LFS, where I'm sure someone can help me decide what exactly to do.
I've heard that raising temperatures can also be harmful, so good thing I didn't do anything drastic. I'll take a trip to the LFS, where I'm sure someone can help me decide what exactly to do.

Careful.. many a LFS has led a hobbyist astray! 8O
Lol! But this one is very dependable, in fact, it may even be a chain. Anyone ever hear of Big Al's?
ill try my best... melafix is easy, and just to be safe, id use pimafix too... just dose it daily at the recommended dosage and do a 50% daily pwc... after a week or so, you'll hopefully see some great improvement
honestly i wouldnt trust their advice any more than a stranger on the street... but thats just my thoughts on chain stores.


One of the ladies I work with (who never talked to me before) came over and started asking me questions about her tank set up that she just got from a chain. A 14g and the chain store let her walk out with 5 fancy goldies and a dojo, all just bought with the tank. I explained the whole cycle thing, gave her some of the websites I used, let her know too many fish for that tank etc. Then asked her who it was who sold her everything. Last night when we went to this chain for supplies, I let rip on the store manager and the salesgirl. ;) I might get banned from this chain yet!
*lol* Thanks dk.

Then they tried to tell me that 50 neon tetras is too many for a 55g tank. The ol' "1 inch per gallon" rule crap. My fiance had to put his hand on my shoulder 'cause I was ready for round 2.
I've had a mixture of good/bad experiences with two chain LFS. It really depends on if the person has experience keeping fish. I watched one clerk try to dissuade a customer from getting a pleco for a tank, and then she decided to get 2 because they were small. Talk about ignorance...

And sorry about hijacking thread! :) How's the fish doing?
On the way to the LFS right now, anyone else care to make me nervous that they may try to sell me a pirahna?
They did not have it, I was recommended something else that will help with the body fungus. (I may have grabbed a Bosemani Rainbow while I was there.) ;)
The Bosemani was hovering over the larger turquoise last night. The Bosemani's colors were striking yellow and I swear I thought they were mating. No nipping or anything. I woke this morning to find my turquoise dead. Being my favorite fish in the tank, I am overwhelmed and incredibly sad. (To prove it, I spent money on a medicine that cost more then the fish itself to save it, and I hardly got to use it.)
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