turtle id

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 22, 2013
Charleston, SC
My husband went to a flea market this morning and he found some turtles and bought them. They're about 2 inches and are currently in a 10 gallon with a crab and an adf. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of turtles they are and also any care info about them please.

Looks like a painted turtle. 4 inches is the legal size for all turtles to be sold so that's an issue. Feed them feeder shrimp for now.
They will injure or be injured by the crab and will eat the ADF. They need a basking dock or platform with a heat lamp. They need food such as mealworms, butterworms, frozen bloodworms, turtle pellets and aquatic vegetation. They may eat aquarium gravel, so large pebbles or sand is best. They will need at least a 55 gallon tank very soon. VERY strong filtration is required. Good luck! Turtles are very rewarding, but require a lot of care- if properly cared for, youre looking at about a 30 year commitment.
It's hard to tell at a hatchling age. Males have a long fat tail and females short, skinny. Males have long front claws compared to females. Males have a dip on their underside so they can mount the females where as the female is flat. Females when adult are 8+ inches long, males are smaller
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