Tutti Frutti?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 7, 2011
Monticello, AR
Ok yesterday I picked up what I think is a african dwarf frog, however it is blue and they called it a tutti fruity frog, is this just a market name or is it an entirely different species?
I read something online awhile ago about the Tutti Frutti frog and IIRC, it is actually a dyed African Clawed Frog, not a Dwarf.
^Yep, it's a dyed albino ADF, sadly. Because of the stress of the dyeing process most dyed fish don't live very long, not sure on the ADFs though..

It's sad to see people do these things to fish, etc. It's like the fruit tetras or tattooed fish just cruel and wrong.

..Just reread a bit and I'm not at all sure on the ADF vs. ACF I have no idea which one it is
^Yep, it's a dyed albino ADF, sadly. Because of the stress of the dyeing process most dyed fish don't live very long, not sure on the ADFs though..

It's sad to see people do these things to fish, etc. It's like the fruit tetras or tattooed fish just cruel and wrong.

..Just reread a bit and I'm not at all sure on the ADF vs. ACF I have no idea which one it is

I believe they're strictly ACF because the article I was reading was talking about how stores were getting around ACF bans by selling them under the Tutti Frutti name. Regardless of which type they are, I agree 100% with you about how cruel dye processes are to frogs as well as fish. But apparently the dyed frogs and fish sell or else they would no longer be on the market.
I saw some at the store the other day. They look like ACF to me. Look at the size and position of the eyes.
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