Two Tier Stand

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 13, 2004
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I just finished cleaning up the plans for my 2 tier stand. I thought I would share the plans with everyone here. Per the plans it will hold two 29 gallon tanks. I have a 20 on top and a 29 below but it will easily hold more weight.

here is what the finished stand looks like

here are the detailed plans to build it
I would want the lower to be tighter to the tank with maybe a flip up panel for maintenance, and an enclosure around the top tank for symmetry.
looks very nice! I second bearfan's comment on the panel for access, but instead of wood, use another piece of the black cloth you have on the side and make a curtain of sorts to hang over the open area above the tank.
The original design was for a tank that was 8 inches (I think) taller than the 29 that I have on there now...

But a slight mishap left that tank in pieces on my basement floor. I was moving some stuff around in my basement and the tank was empty sitting down there on some boxes. I went to move a 8' 2x4 and wasnt watching the other end as I turned. I ended up nocking over the tank and it took a 4' plunge to my hard concrete basement floor.
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