UGF Filter Idea...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2004
This is a thought of mine that I've been rolling around for a while now... I would love any feedback that I can get on this:

I've used a UGF for a few years now and seem pretty satisfied with the results of a UGF and a Power Filter in combination. I'm now to the point where I'm either going to build or buy a 100 gal or larger tank. What I plan on doing is instead of using the airstones on the up tubes, run a Mag Drive pump to suck the water down the the UGF outside to a Home water filter(Not an RO/DI filter, just one that traps sediment), then from the filter, back into tank with nozzles to make some water flow. The water filters are available in either floss or paper and are available at lowes for about $30. I thought using this would help remove sediment from the water along with a cannister filter, would work out pretty good. Plus it will help pull more debris down through the gravel so the bacteria will break it down.

Any thoughts or comments? Has this been done before?
It's an interesting concept wvdeadhead. Personally I think you'd be better off just doing partial gravel vacs with your water changes to keep the sediment from accumulating. JMO

If you decide to go ahead with your idea, let us know how it works out.
Like I said, it's just an idea. I know there is a lot of controversy about UGF filters. I myself haven't had any problems with mine used in conjunction with a HOB filter. I actually noticed once I installed it (by the way, I have a powerhead on the rise tubes, not an air stone) that my water stayed cleaner and my fish looked healthier.

I thought I would give it a try anyway. If it doesn't help with filtration, it will at least give me an easier way to do water changes, just run a by pass on the filter with a garden hose adapter.

Thanks a lot BrianNY
Cool. There's always both a yearning and a need to build a better mousetrap. :wink:
I think the sediment you trap will clog that household filter in about one day's time, and be more trouble than it is worth. Those are designed to trap particles that you can't see - making already "treated" and supposedly clean drinking water better than when it comes out of the tap.
It may, I have thought about that. If it does, no worries, I can always clean it really well and use it on my home water supply, either way I'm not out anything. I've found aquarium cannister filters that look just like what is used on home water purification, they are just a little more beefed up and cost a lot more. That is one reason I was wanting to try the home water filter, try to save a few bucks.

Thanks TankGirl
RO filters usually have a valve on the intake side of the RO filter. This way it is possible to flush off the surface of the filter. This would work great for your paper filter. You could simply turn a valve on for 5 seconds and presto, your filter is clean! Ever since I have really gotten into this hobby, I have wanted to build a custom system, with plumbing right into the house. Then I wouldn't need pythons, buckets or anything, just a very large initial investment of time and money. Good luck and have fun with it.
I use power heads on my bigger tanks and use the HOB on small tanks. If the HOB pick up tube can line up with the UGF up tube. I use a tapered adapter to seal the filter pick up into the up tube.
Check out the Ocean Clear line of filters - they are plumbed in and apparently can be back flushed, and sound right up your alley! :)
Thanks everyone! I'm getting some really good ideas. I was going to buy a 75 gal at the lfs but thought I would check out Ebay first. I saw a GARF style plywood and glass tank that looks great, so I went to GARF, printed off the plans and have decided to do a DIY tank. For the price I can buy one at the lfs, I can build a much bigger custom tank to my liking. Once I get started I'll post pics in the DIY section. My Oscars and Pacu should love a tank about the size of I dunno... 150+ gal.

Again, thanks for the feedback. I think I'm going to change my filtration plan though. I looked up Pentair products last night and noticed they had a modular system I think I'm going to try out. They have everything from mechanical filters to a module that holds your heater. Best thing is, there will be nothing in the tank but my overflow and returns. Pretty decent prices on the stuff too. Has anyone had experience with them? It's the Lifegard series.
Forgot to mention, I decided to go with a sand bottom and scrap the UGF. If you can't tell, I'm very decisive about things. I like to plan as much as possibe and weigh the pros and cons before plunging right into things.
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