Umm, am I doing this right?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 29, 2011
middle of nowhere, OH
Hello Aquarium Advice. I really wish I would have found this place before I started a tank on complete impulse. My tank has been up and running for almost a week now and some issues have crept in. Here is what I have and all of what is going on:

Just purchased a Nanocube 24 (24g)t-gives weekend. I removed all of the filtration and just have 36 lbs of live rock (was/is mostly established). As of right now I have 5 red leg herms and 5 astrea snails. I also managed to snag a 4" bristle worm, some bubble algae and glass anemones from the rock I purchased. Way to go me! Also found some brittle stars on the rocks which is nice. My gf informed me this morning we have what looks like red slime algae starting on a piece of LR. Ugh... I am thinking an emerald crab for the BA and some peppermint shrimp for the GA. As for the red algae and bristle I am not sure what to do. I would like to have a couple of clowns, a carpet anemone and some SPS in the near future and I am not sure of how to proceed... What do you folks think?
:welcome: to AA! :)

I'm not a saltie, but I don't know if just putting LR in a tank and letting it run for a few days means you can put more stuff in there (which sounds like what you did, if I misinterpreted, my bad).

I don't know a lot about aneonmes either, all I know is that they are very diffucult to keep and usually only recommended for people with some experience and very good lighting.
Hi there, thanks for joining us!

Red slime normally grows because of A little out of the norm water parameters. One way to keep your water parameters in good shape is to make sure you are completing water changes as needed. :)

I also had glass anemones, I added a Peppermint and poof, they were gone! :) Keep in mind Peppermint Shrimp will only eat glass anemones of the smaller side.

As for Bubble algae, chances are high that the Emerald crab will help with that. :-

Welcome! :welcome:

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