Uncurable ich

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 17, 2014
Ok so last time I posted on here I kind of got ripped apart... So just kindly advice please!
Had bad case of ich, was using quick cute and increase temp and surprise a bunch of fish died, so I stopped using the medicine and have kept the tank at 86.5 degrees and was doing every other day 25% water changes with dechlorinated 86 degree water for 2 weeks all the fish left seem happy and healthy again but the one rubber lip pleco doesn't seem to be able to get rid of it... Still covered in little white spots. All parameters good ammonia and nitrite 0. Ph 7. Small amount salt added.
Quick history on tank had a 10 g forever with no problems got a 29g transferred that water and the fish to the new tank around Xmas time. a week later got some new fish and that's when ich came in.
Surviving fish: 1 platy, 1 Cory, 1 angel fish, 2 neons And the rubber lip
I have a 10g quarantine tank set up should I remove the rubber lip and treat him any differently?
Thanks for your help.
Try the medication again but not changing the water for 10-14 days, I had very very bad ich to the point I had to talk to the pet store owner and he recommended this medication and to add a new filter but to take the rocks out of it first before adding.
Can you post a picture of him? Are you positive he has ich?

I would start there first while continuing to maintain the heat and frequent water changes. As ich becomes a tank issue (rather than a fish issue) when its introduced, treatment needs to continue on your tank until its completely eradicated. Removing an afflicted fish will just allow the ich to continue to fester in your tank even if it may not be visible at the moment. All fish need to be addressed as well as the tank. Please ask any questions! :)
I would continue the heat and water changes. Lots of water changes (WC) are especially important to remove the ich from your tank. Remember to vacuum the gravel too, so that you remove the cyst stage of the ich. It took me a month once to get rid of ich, and between using meds vs. heat&WC. I lost half my fish with meds and none with heat. It takes time and effort and you'll be so sick of WC by the end, but keep on going. Also if you have a stress coat or something that helps the fish build their slime coat, that can also help as it makes the fish a little more resistant to the ich. The pleco might have it worse because he is on the bottom and when the ich hatch from their cyst he is the first target. Just a guess though.

edit: also remember that hot water hold less oxygen than cold so you might allow more splash with your filter or have a bubbler going.
Keep treating for at least a week after the last symptoms are seen to make sure you don't have a relapse.
What medicine did you use?
I may sound like a sales rep lol from some of my other tough ich posts, but after living thru a resilient strain, I swear by the stuff now:
I used Melafix, its good to put in to when you add new fish to the tank.
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