Unexpected Fry, HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 9, 2017
So, I tore down and sterilized my 10G last week and have put all the plants and decorations from it in a small 5G tub to just hold on to as I figure out what to do with those plants and such. I looked into the tub today and noticed some brown planaria, snails, usual expected things surviving in the tub with my plants. Well, that is until I saw this hovering thing at the surface of the water. I look closer, thinking it might be a bug larvae or something when I notice that it's moving in a very piscine manner. Some movement elsewhere also catches my attention, and I see another...then another. I don't know how many fry I got in the tub, but I do know that they are either Zebra Danio fry or Leopard Danio fry, cause those were the only things I had enough of to have bred before I tore the tank down.

As soon as I noticed them, I put in a little fry food but really I have no idea what to do now. I want to try and grow them out, even if only to see what their parents were. I'm thinking of moving everything from the tub over to my empty 5.5G for now, so at least they get better filtration if nothing else. Got a sponge over the filter in there and everything. Only citizens of that tank currently are some horned nerites and I can relocate them over to another tank so they don't get munched on by my assassin snails in the tub.

Any advice on ensuring that my little fry grow up big and strong? :p Never raised danio fry before.
I have not seen the fry in my 5.5G in the last couple days, does this that they have passed away or is it possible they are just hiding in a spot I can't well see currently?
I got a sponge over the filter. Not sure how fine the pores in it are though, so I guess it's possible they got sucked through the sponge into the filter. I got the sponge for the filter with fry the size of guppy fry in mind, not something so tiny like a zebra danio fry.

Also possible they did the stupid and got themselves pinned under a rock or a decoration in the tank. They wouldn't be the first ones to do something that silly in one of my tanks.
A sponge filter is safe for most fry. If you have plants or other decor, they could just be hiding. Also keep in mind that most fish will eat their own fry.

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