Unhealthy betta fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 22, 2017
I am not at home currently, so I'll add more detailed information later, but I wanted to see if anyone had an opinion on my sick betta. She is in a 25 gallon tank along with another betta fish who has the same problem. I moved them into this tank so that the temperature would be more stable and it did not help. There was already a betta fish in the 20 gallon who isn't affected by these symptoms. Their conditions have neither improved nor declined in half a year. They are lethargic and don't move very much. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Ammonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH / Temp / Gender of Betta / Other tank makes / Water change routine please.
I'll have to do a water test when I get home, but bettas that show symptoms are female, in a tank with a few guppies, 2 abn plecos, and 1 albino corey cat. I change 10-25% of the water every week
Bettas are naturally lethargic in larger tanks. I had a super healthy, active betta in its own 5.5 gal, when I moved it into a larger tank with a few tank mates it just sat behind plants all day.

Ensure ammonia / nitrite are 0, nitrates are <30ppm, temp is 78-82 degrees F, no fish are picking on them and they are eating quality food and they should be healthy.
The tank I had those two in before was a 5 gallon with perfect water parameters, temperature was just a little low, and at one point it had a thriving community of females, but they slowly started to die off and look sickly, even though no water parameters ever went out of wack and I kept the numbers stable. They never fought or anything, so I don't really understand what happened. Any ideas?
Most likely stress. There are some Bettas that like to be alone. Age on a betta has a big roll on this. Could be a few different thing's. Could be too much light on the tank, or not enough places to themselves. But, over all, I say from the sounds of it, it's stress. If you try putting one of the girls in a small tank to herself away from others you will probably see a big difference. Add a little aquarium salt to get her better too will help. Stress is a killer! They gotta have room away from other fish even in a bigger tank. I have my share of betta's too. Lol! Love them!

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