Unknown intruder?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 17, 2013
This is not my aquarium issue, I noticed it wandering around in a freshwater tank at my previous place of employment (a pet store). I asked around but no one in my department, not even management, seemed to be able to identify the little bugger.

So, despite having left that business, my curiosity still peaks about him! So I ask you, lovely people, if you can tell me what this is! I referenced this forum a lot during my employment with that pet store so hopefully someone here has seen one before..

Honestly, it looked almost like an ant or spider that had wrapped itself up in a leaf. Not too long before a coworker had introduced Indian almond leaves to some of the tanks and it looked as if it had made a shell-like home out of a scrap of that.. but when touched it didn't give or unfurl. It was also darker in colour. It was probably the length of the first segment of your pointer finger, maybe a little more.

Any ideas?


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Sorry in advance if I posted this to the wrong forum. I wasn't sure if it should be here or under general.
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