Update: scaping ideas? - This is it for now! Thanks!

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Okay this is what I hav after another trip tot he LFS. I think I am too picky, I am still not happy. ANy other suggestions? Now I just feel like they are all dumped in there. Thanks


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I think it looks great only hope that my tank will look that good when I get it going.
I think that looks really good- the only thing you're missing is a foreground. some kind of shorter plant to sit in front to give it more depth.
Okay I am moving things again, ahh, stop me. Any further suggestions? I think I still need a forground, any suggested plants or any I can make smaller already in the tank? Thanks


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I really like this latest arrangement. I'd let it be for awhile and see how it grows in.
THe only thing I can think is to move the red in the middle with the red on the right, cut the stalks of the rotela that has leaves at top and not a bottom to make it a foreground and maybe make the wistera on the right foreground. I should get more grass I think too. OR should I just leave it.
Yea this looks nice- you've got some depth now.

let that grass you've got grow into a foreground, and see how it works out.
Well I moved things again, Yikes. I think it is better, what do you think? I think the plant to the left of the driftwood is going to die so I may replace with more rotella like on the far left, what do you think?

Thanks for the help


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Looking good.

This latest photo is probably the best. I think I'd get more ground cover and let it grow in. And possibly move the wood forward a tiny bit.

Gonna hate me but, there is something I like about the original photo. It seemed to be more focused than the following setups.

Most of the tanks that I think look really nice focus on 2 or 3 dominant plants and then a few oddballs scattered about. I think that makes it look more visually appealing and natural.

If you add any more plants (I think you said you were going to), I would try getting more of your favorites. I wouldn't buy any more different plants.
This last change is by far the best, and I think you've acheived something very much like what I believe you were trying for. Congrats! Now it's time to sit back and enjoy.
current516 said:

Looking good.

This latest photo is probably the best. I think I'd get more ground cover and let it grow in. And possibly move the wood forward a tiny bit.

Gonna hate me but, there is something I like about the original photo. It seemed to be more focused than the following setups.

Most of the tanks that I think look really nice focus on 2 or 3 dominant plants and then a few oddballs scattered about. I think that makes it look more visually appealing and natural.

If you add any more plants (I think you said you were going to), I would try getting more of your favorites. I wouldn't buy any more different plants.

I am done adding plants, I am going to see what makes it and what doesn't and do what was suggested stick with fewer species.

I agree my original was more focused. I think my problem is I saw a tank in the LFS that was square and large and I am trying to reproduce that. My dream is a 125 gallon when I get a new house. Maybe one day, but then I am hiring a landscaper!!!!
Okay I added more foreground grass. I hope it lives b/c it was really expensive. When I first bought it the LFS told me it was microsword but when I went to get more the owner said it was blyxa joponica and plant geek says it is hard to keep. I like the bubble coming out of it. I think it may been to be moved forward a bit but for now I am going to let it rest. Thanks to everyone for there help!!!!


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