updated pics of cories and betta in 10g

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 31, 2008
North Carolina
Everyone is cohabitating well....thanks goodness. I was worried there at first. I snapped these shots yesterday quickly. I just love those cories, they are so cute! Even though you can't see Bert's face...it is a good picture of him all "fluffed" out. He loves hanging out near that wood and it really gets in his craw that the cories like it too! :-D
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Wow everyone looks great!

It looks like the Corries are hanging out together alot.
That is awesome, aside from the fact that I have white sand, your setup is identical to my 10g. =)
Thanks, ya'll! I am very happy with it at this point and I should be getting my shrimp today or tomorrow! Yay!
I should be getting my shrimp today or tomorrow! Yay!

Oh you got some shrimp too, I'm supposed to be getting my RCS today or tomorrow also. I'm getting some Endler's Livebearers with them, taking the Guppies back.
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Well, I thought everyone was getting along okay....today I was really looking closely at my cories. They are all now missing their barbels (one fish has one left) and the tips of their dorsal fins appear "picked at". I think my betta might be picking on them more than I had originally thought. My problem is....I don't have anywhere to put him at the moment....my 2.5g is still cycling. He doesn't appear to be constantly harrassing them, but it is obviously going on. Any suggestions??
The only time I have ever seen my betta interact with the cories has been if his food sinks to the bottom, he will then chase them a little. But I haven't seen any fin nipping. I changed to some floating betta pellets to try and make sure the interaction was even less.
I would be concerned with the missing barbels. I've heard they don't eat as well when they are gone, not to mention its probably sore. It could be the substrate if it has any sharp edges. My albinos lost their bottom fins from almost 2 years of sliding over sharp gravel in my 10g. I took them out and put them in my new 30long with smooth, large rocks and they have started to grow back in just under a month.
Well, it has been a week since I added my peppered cories to the 10g tank and everyone is still alive and well. They are the cutest little things! I think Bert the Betta is just jealous of them....lol! For the most part, he leaves them alone now. I try to put their food down in an area where Bert won't go, but after he finishes his flakes he heads down to their food and then gets territorial on them and decides it is his food. Some of the barbels appear to be growing back, but it could be my imagination. They swim so fast, it is hard to get a good look sometimes! I do like the little guys though and everyone appears to be happy! :)
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